Cancer |M.C|

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I can't text him, I only just texted him ten minutes ago. Still no response tho. Maybe he forgot? Another text won't hurt right? I throw my phone at my pillow and groan. My best friend is my soulmate, we have been doing everything together for as long as I can remember but now he is on his first tour and it's scary because I'm not there with him. He doesn't seem to have a problem with that but that's probably because he has his band there with him while I'm here alone. School sucks without Michael. We used to text every second of every day for the first few months he was away but we are six months in and he hasn't been answering as fast as before. You'd say that's not too weird since he's in a band meaning he doesn't have time but it's Michael, he's always on his phone.. I'm not gonna lie, I've never been more scared of losing him in my life. It's been twenty minutes and there's still no response... I'm not super close to the other members of the band but we talk and snap sometimes and we hang out all together occasionally.
They do respond but I'm just feeling like a burden when I text them about Mike every second so I try to avoid doing that. It's hard tho, it's really hard.
"Y/N dinner is ready!" I drag myself down the stairs and sit on a chair before eating. "How's Michael doing?" Mom asks with a smile, she loves Michael. She always calls him her only son and says his home is with us too. It's cute but right now I don't feel like talking about Michael, for the first time ever. "Dunno." I mumble while eating my lasagna. "What do you mean you don't know?" I shrug. "He's not responding."

She frowns while her eyes look concerned. "Did you call Daryl or Karen? They must know this angel, what if something happened?" I shake my head knowing Michael is perfectly fine but the thought about him being not while being countries away from me scares me. "He's fine mom." She sighs. "I think you should tell Daryl." I bite my lip and eat. Daryl is like my dad, he always calls me his girl or princess and I can always talk to him about anything. My dad left when I was born because he didn't want kids so to me Daryl is my father figure and he knows that. I call him dad ocasionally but it feels wrong because he's Michael's dad not mine. Michael and I had a fight about it once. We were ten years old and Daryl came to pick us up from school. We both ran to him and hugged him while screaming 'dad.'
Michael then pushed me off and told me to go find my own dad because Daryl is his. Daryl got angry at Michael, knowing what happened to my dad and made Michael apolagise. We only spoke about it ones after that incident. We were around 12 and Mike wanted me to know he understood the situation and he didn't care about me saying Dad because we are best friends but I don't like doing it anymore. It hurt when Michael pushed me away and said those things eventhough we were only ten. It hurt like hell.  "I'll see if I can go over later." I softly say while playing with my food.
"Angel... he will be fine. Why don't you take a long shower and go to bed early today? You look tired." I shrug. I've been sleeping four hours every night just because I keep waiting on a text. His text.
"It's saturday mom I don't really feel like going to bed early." She nods with an understanding look on her face and cleans the table After we've finished eating.
"I'll do it darling, why don't you go over to the Clifford's ?" I smile weakly and kiss her on her cheek before taking my keys and going out. They only live ten minutes away so it's not a long walk and I actually really needed the fresh air.
That's a good thing about Mike and I's friendship, we own keys to eachothers house because we don't mind eachother being there when the other isn't around. We both know how much we adore eachothers parents so it's nothing we have to ask permission for. We just do it. I love that. I ring the bell, just in case nobody is home and smile when Daryl opens it.
"Hey there princess, long time no see! I was starting to think you forgot about me." He smiles while letting me in. I instantly hug him After he closed the door and hold him close. He wraps his arms around me, knowing something is wrong.
"I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've visited. I just don't know what's wrong with Michael and I can't take it anymore. He isn't answering in seconds he answers in hours. It's not right..." he hums and kisses my head. "That's true. Especially with him, he's never not on his phone." I nod and sigh while walking to the couch and sitting next to him, cuddled up with my head on his shoulder and his arms around me.
"Mom said to tell you because she thinks something might be wrong." He hums while playing with my hair.
"Do you think something is wrong?" He asks making me tilt my head to him and bite my lip with teary eyes. All the emotions I've kept burried inside are finally breaking the wall. They're about to come out and I'm not sure if I'm ready to feel them yet.
"I mean... it's crossed my mind before but I never wanted to believe it you know...?" He nods. "Why don't you try and call him tonight or tomorrow? I'm sure he Will tell you exactly why he's been treating my princess like that." I smile weakly and hold him tight. "I love you Daryl." He smiles and kisses my head again. "I love you too angel. Would you like to stay the night ? Karen just washed Some of your clothes you left here before Mike went away." I nod and blink my tears away. "That would be nice actually." He smiles and rubs my back. "Let's watch that favourite show of yours untill we fall asleep." He offers with a smile. I giggle and kiss his cheek while taking the tv remote from him. "Oh you're in." I say before putting on the show and cuddling up to him again.

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