Hospital romance Pt. 1. |L.H.|

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Easier was on the radio, as my dad was driving through town. We were on the way to pick up my brother from the station as he missed his bus to the airport.
I instantly turned up the radio singing at to top of my lungs as my dad rolled his eyes. "Not this song again." he said while tapping his fingers on the stearing wheel, secretly enjoying the song.
As the song ended we drove down a small dark street to skip out the late night traffic.

My dad turned Off the radio as they started to play an over popular song. "Do you hear that clunking noise?" he asked driving slowly trying to figure out where it was coming from. "Nope" I said popping the P and shaking my head. "Listen" he said. I didnt hear anything and it was silent for a while until we heard a scream. We turned to see where it was coming from and saw 3 men dressed in black with a knife covered in blood run out from a small dark footpath. I turned to look at my dad, knowing he'll get out and investigate. I shook my head scared something would happen to him.
Having an ex para and police officer as a dad, has its perks but also its down sides. This being one of them.
"I'll be fine, I was trainend for this" he said parking the car. "Yeah but that was before you became ill and you had the age of 53." he rolled his eyes as he got out of the car and headed to the path way.
Not even 10 seconds after he left I got a call from him. "Get the blanket and the first aid box from the car and get down here now." he said as the line went dead. I grabbed the blanket from the backseat and got the first aid box from the boot and ran over to him and opened it setting it beside him.

He quietly starts to pack the wound to stop the bleeding.
"Sit with him keep him talking and keep him awake." my dad said. I sat down next to the man who looks about mid 20s. Well that's what I could tell as I couldn't see his face as it was dark and my dad has the touch on the wound.
The man started to move clearly starting to panic.
"Keep still, you'll be okay the paramedics are on the way." my dad said while trying to keep the bleeding under control.
The man layed his head back down on my lap. It wasn't untill my dad moved the touch, that I could get a glimpse of the stranger's face . "Luke?"
"Yeah?" he said as he started to daze off. I shook my head telling myself now is not the time to fangirl over the fact that 'the' Luke Hemmings has his head in my lap.
I focused on the situation in hand. "You gotta keep awake for me, talk to me what did you do today." I said pushing his hair out of the way.
He looked up at me and smiled weakly. His blue eyes looked tired and you could tell he wanted to close them.
"I woke up about 3am to get a flight back to LA with my friends Ashton, Michael and Calum we just finished up an interview at the BBC." he spoke weakly and started to shiver.

"You cold?" I asked feeling his arms. They were icey cold. "Yeah I am." I grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around him as best as I could as my dad worked on his wound and I grabbed the hot pac from the first aid box and popped it ans gave it to him.
He tucked it into him "Thank you." he mumbled as his eyes began to close. "Luke stay with me" I said now starting to play with his hair. "Sorry, just so tired."he said head pushing into my hand a bit "I know, so what happend after the interview?" I asked.
"After, I went back to the hotel to pack the rest of my things and then my girlfriend Sierra called me to wish me and the boys a safe flight home." he said with a smile as he talked about her.
"After the phone call we had to leave So we put our bags in the car and our manager took them to get them checked in as we grabbed some food before the flight. We ended up in Nandoś."
"What did you order?" I asked butting in as he talked. "A medium spicy chicken salad. Which ashton sassed me for as I didn't get a spicy." he said with a little laugh.
"Anything interesting happen at dinner?" I asked "Not really apart from Michael trying to make us play this card game he loves." he said closing his eyes. "Luke" I said with a stern tone. "Sorry" he said opening them again. "It's okay, so what did you do after lunch?"
"We got a car to the airport and checked in." I butted in again "Wait why are you here then?" "I'm getting to that part just wait a second" he chuckeled lightly. "Sorry continue" I said

"I will. So as we were checking in we were gonna do a passport check but I then remembered I left it back in the hotel." I giggled "Michael then called me an idiot, I then said that if I'm an idiot he is too because he did this back in 2015." "2014" I corrected him. "2014 sorry." he said moving the hot pack to his cheek he struggled as he was so weak from the loss of blood "I'll hold that for you." I said placing my hand over his on the hot pack. "Thank you" he said and started to continue the story. "So as I couldn't get on the flight they left without me, Ashton did offer to stay with me but I said no as his mom was coming from Sydney to see him. So I was left on my own and was gonna get the next flight wich was at 10pm tonight. So I decided to walk back to the hotel to get my passport and walk around town before my flight. I went into some shops just to look around and I found this necklace I was going to give to Sierra." he frowned as he said that. "It was coming close to my flight so I decided to walk back to the airport so I could stretch my legs before a long flight home. On the walk I passed this pathway I heard a dog whining and crying so I walked down here to see what was going on and to help the dog. That's when the men jumped out and pinned me to the floor I tried to fight back but they overpowerd me. I managed to remove the mask from one of them and I saw his face that's when he stabbed me. They then started to take my rings, phone, wallet... you get the drift." he went quite as the paramedics arrived.

As the paramedics lifted him up on to the ambulance he grabbed my hand and looked at me weakly.  "Y-you're coming with me right?" I nodded instantly. Forgetting about my dad.
"Text me or call to let me know if you want anything or any update, I'm just gonna get your brother and take him to the airport." my dad said  as he finished talking to the police.
"Okay dad." I said before the paramedics closed the doors.
I sat next to luke as the paramedic began to carry on from where my dad left of.
"Carry on what you were doing we need to keep him awake untill we can properly assess him at the hospital." I noded and looked down at Luke.
He looked back at me and weakly squeezed my hand. "Don't leave me, I don't wanna be alone." he said as his bottom lip started quivering.
"Hey, don't cry. I'm not going anywhere." I said kissing his head." A tear fell down his cheek followed by another. I wiped them away and I could see the terror set back into his beautiful blue eyes.
"W-what if I die?" he asked leaning into my other hand that was now on his cheek. "You won't, not if I have anything to do with it." as I said that I made a funny face at him, which made him giggle.
The ambulance came to a stop, the doors opened and off Luke went. It wasn't untill his hand slipped out of mine that I saw he put a beautiful necklace into it

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