Hospital romance Pt. 5. |L.H.|

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The drive to the hospital was surprisingly quick. I found a space to park easily and got out walking into the hospital.

Like always I knocked on his door then popped my head around to see he was still sleeping peacefully. I sat down next to him on the bed and moved a fallen piece of hair out of his face. My finger made its way to feel his nose, cheekbones and then his jaw.
"Hmm." Luke mumbled while nuzzling into my hand as he slowly started to wake up. "Hello, you scared me this morning." I said while cupping his face with my hand.
"Sorry." he said letting my hand take the support of his head with his eyes still shut. "The police got your things back, they found the people who stabbed you." I said as my thumb stroke his cheek.
He just hummed again and moved over. "Cuddle me." he said still not opening his eyes.

I took off my shoes and lay next to him as he cuddled up into my side and I lay my arm around his back drawing little patterns there.
"You smell like vanilla." he said burying his head into my neck and breathing in my scent. "I could just eat you right now." he said making me blush and giggle, realising he's high from the morphine he's been given. "Luke are you okay?" I ask looking down at him. "I am now that you're here baby." he says nuzzling his nose into my neck.

"You're pretty." he mumbles really quietly. "So, so pretty." he added at the end. I pushed him away gently. "Luke, you're high you don't mean that." He huffs and nuzzles his head into me.
"I think I know that better." I chuckle and kiss his head. "You don't because you're high on morphine." His eyes go wide and he looks up at me. "I-I am?" I hum and look at him making him smirk and peck my lips. My eyes go wide as I realise what just happened... Luke Hemmings kissed me!
"Do you miss Sierra?" I ask, trying to get him to stop and realise he has a girlfriend.
"Yeah I do." He says while holding me closer. I smile and play with his hair. He hums with closed eyes and falls back asleep while holding me close.

I lay there listening to him breathing, his chest rising and falling in a perfect rhythm. I could still feel his lips on mine like an after shock of an earthquake. I raise my hand to feel my lips in complete shock.
His nurse walked in a couple of minutes later.
"Sorry to intrude just need to check his vitals." she said grabbing the clipboard from the end of his bed and walked over to his monitor.

"Can I ask a question?" I asked looking down at luke. "Sure." she smiled while writing on the clipboard "When people are high from pain relief do they say what they actually mean?" "If you are talking about Mr. Hemmings, he's not on anything. He has a clean mind." she said. "He seemed a bit weird." I answered making her smile. "It's probably just the anesthetic making him tired." I nod. "So he can think for himself?" she nodded. "He could drive a car if he really wanted to, but I don't recommend him to just yet." with that she left. My mind was racing. He knew what he was doing... I ran my hand through my hair letting out a sigh. He called me pretty and kissed my lips but then said he missed Sierra.

I looked down at him cuddled up into me. Fuck what do I do...?


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