Thin white lies |A.I.| 4

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I wake up to my alarm and instantly groan. I hate hangovers so fucking much. I turn it off and open my eyes, making me groan again because of the light. Why is it so bright? I throw my covers over my head when Lauren walks in. "We have class in a few hours so drink this, I got you water, black coffee, toast and some painkillers." she says, while putting the tray on my bedside table. Lauren is always very bright but seeing her be this bright, after last night is confusing.

"Not too loud please, and how are you this perky?" I ask while cuddling more into my blanket. "Nights like yesterday are my specialty, now chop chop" she says as she rips the covers off of me. "Did you have to do that?" I groan, making her chuckle. "Yes, now eat and drink up while I shower and get ready, then I'll run you a bath." she says, moving the tray in front of me. "Yes mom." I sarcastically say. She shakes her head with a smile and wanders off.
I slowly eat and start to feel a little better. I can hear Lauren singing in the shower while I hear her phone ring. I get up to take it for her and look at the caller ID, 'big smelly brother' is that Ashton?

"Laurens phone, Y/N speaking." I say, sounding like I should be Lauren's assistant. "Oh hey, you're the new roommate. Could you pass the phone to Lauren please?" Ashton asks, gosh his voice sounds even better over the phone. Is that even possible?
"Hello?" Shit. Focus Y/N.
"Oh right, sorry, she's in the bathroom right now." Okay, I know I could easily go and hand her the phone, as I don't hear the water running anymore but still. Wanting to talk to him a little longer, is that really so selfish?
"Well, in that case, how's it going? Has Lauren gotten you drunk yet whilst dancing to the 1975?" he asks. "Kinda" I answer with a laugh. "Figured." He says with his typical schoolgirl giggle. I smile and look up when my door opens as Lauren walks in. "Ah, Lauren is back, it was nice talking to you." I say before handing her her phone back. "It's your big smelly brother, I thought it might be important, so I answered it." I say, as I hear ashton indignantly over the phone, "I MAY BE BIG BUT I'M NOT SMELLY... OKAY MAYBE A LITTLE!"

Lauren and I let out a little laugh before she wanders out of my room. I move over so my ear is pressed against the wall and I can hear what she's saying. I know I shouldn't do this, and honestly I can't even hear a lot, but the fangirl in me took over and I can't help myself.
"Yeah I'm coming back. I've already packed. Okay, see you next week smelly." is all what I can hear her say. Wait... is she moving back home ? Is she leaving me? Did I do something wrong? What if she doesn't like me anymore? What if she's never liked me? Fuck I can't be alone, she's the only real friend I have!

Lauren walks back into my room with a smile but that instantly fades as she rushes over to me. I didn't even notice I was crying untill she pulled me into a hug. "Hey, what's wrong? What happened? You're shaking." she softly says while rubbing my back.
"Y-you're leaving. I-I'm sorry, I'm being s-stupid but just ever since..." She shakes her head and cuts me off. "No, no I'm not going. Well I am but I was going to ask if you want to come with. It's only for the holidays. My brother is coming back as he has a show and I thought maybe, you wanna spend the holidays with us?" I look up at her while wiping my cheeks.
"R-really? Are you sure?" I ask, making her nod with a smile.
"Ofcourse I'm sure, now go and get in that bath I made you." she says, sounding like my mom again. "Yes mom." I say with a weak laugh. She kisses my head and smile. "Next time, when you're having a panic attack, tell me okay? I was freaking out." I nod and giggle softly. "I'm sorry, I will do." I say before getting into the bathtub and relaxing.

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