Throuple A.I./L.H.

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By: Valntyne5S0S
Slut, whore, greedy and ungrateful these were just some of the comments on my instagram post. When I decided to tell the world about my romantic interests I expected these comment, don't get me wrong there were some amazing and loving ones but the hate seemed to outshine them unfortunately.

"Cutie we're home." Luke shouted from the livingroom, wich what was followed by Ashton coming up the stairs.
That's what I love, In every house you always know what family member or roommate it is using the stairs. Like, Ashton he is fast and loud, where Luke is more quiet as he double steps, so he isn't as quick and me, I like to always run up and down them. I think it's because of my dad, he used to chase me up them.

*flash back*
"I'm a big girl so I get to stay up to 9." 3 year old me said with a humph. "Well did you tell the tickle monster that?" my dad said making a funny face. "Uhm nope." I said looking around trying to find the tickle monster. "Ah well he knows your bedtime is at 7 and he's on his way." dad said as he was walking out the door. "Ah here he is." he came jogging back wiggling his fingers. "The tickle monster is coming to get you little Missy." my dad spoke in a goofy voice. "NO!" I quickly got up and ran to my bedroom as my dad followed slowly behind me. I jumped in my bed and hid under the blanket as he came over and tickeled me making me laugh.
*end of flash back*

I didn't notice my tears, untill Ashton, spoke "Blossom, what's wrong?" he came over and pulled me onto his lap.
Soon as he did that I could hear Luke, climbing the stairs. "I found th- oh no." Luke, said before sitting next to Ashton, and putting a hand on my back, under my shirt. I lay my head on his shoulder and sniffle.
"I-I told them and T-there was hate and then the stairs ans i-" I couldn't take it anymore, the sobs were too much. Ashton, then laid me down in the middle of the extra large bed and kissed my head, while Luke held my hand.

That's what made me fall for the two boys, they know what I need before I even do. Like one time, I cut my finger on a knife and luke walked in with band aids or that time we all took a romantic getaway, and I was struggling with what to wear that night. Then Ashton, walked into the bathroom and told me he picked out an outfit for tonight, before I even told him I needed help.
I pulled Luke, into me and I slowly started to calm down. I told them about the comments online and how that spiralled into me thinking about my late father and the memory.

The rest of the night was spent with them, making me feel as happy and safe as they could, by trapping my body in between theirs and telling very bad dad jokes or about Luke and his chucky chess earphones.
Once I finally fell asleep, Luke and ashton went onto my instagram and blocked any hater they could find as they knew how much I love to post on Instagram and saving as manny meaningful memories as I could

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