Boy X Boy |Ot4|

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Michael POV

I grab Calum's hand as I walk with him to the car.
As I look into his puppy brown eyes filled with rays of happiness, I ask, "Ready for today, baby?"
"Yes daddy, I can't wait to go on all the rides and eat lots of candy!" I buckle him up in his chair and then smile at him as I listen to his tater about the fair we are going to.
"Are we going to get a new stuffie?" he asks with the biggest smile ever. "Anything for you baby." I kiss his forehead, give him his bottle and then get behind the wheel.
After a drive of about half an hour we finally arrive.
"Look baby, we're here."
"Are there! Are there! Daddy are there!" he shouts with shiny eyes full of joy.

I stop the car, get out and help Calum out of the car after which we go hand in hand to the cash desk and pay for our tickets.
"Indeed, baby, we are here."
"Ready to go?" He nods violently and points to all the attractions.
"Which one do you want to do first?" He looks around and after a while his eyes stop at the left side of the site.
"Playing games daddy," he says happily before I kiss him on his forehead and walk hand in hand with him to the games.
He pulls me to that game where you have to knock over the cones with those baseballs. So I give it a try.

"Look baby, daddy's gonna win you a big stuffie." I throwing the ball but miss the fonds and pay for a second chance, I play and this time I only throw off the top cone. "You can choose from these small prizes," says the guy from the stall pointing out the prizes. I look at Calum waiting and then I see him pointing at a blue cuddly toy.
"This one" he says sweetly after which the man takes the cuddly toy off the rack and gives it to Calum. He gratefully accepts the stuffie and immediately cuddles him firmly.
"Where do you want to go now baby?" He takes me to several other games and that's how it went for the rest of our pleasant day.

"Daddy, can we do this, please?" Calum looks at me with a pouting lips and puppy eyes.
"Sure, baby boy, but eat your food first." He swallows his food all at once, making me smile softly at the chubby cheeks it gave him.
"I'm ready." He smiles.
I hold his hand and walk with him to the Ferris wheel.
"We have to wait in line but I think it's up to us after this." I hold his hand while he looks up full of joy at all the people who are already on the wheel.

I go on to the ticket stall and pay for our tickets. He grabs my hand as I sit next to him and looks around with big happy eyes.
"Daddy, we're going up." I chuckle. "That's right baby, we're going up." I say as I hold his hand tighter. Very high...
"Daddy, look at all the lights." says Calum while squeezing my hand. His voice So happy and surprised.
I didn't even realise my eyes were closed until he said it. I open them for a second but soon close them again.
"The lights are very beautiful baby, but not as beautiful as you." I say while doing my best to stay calm. It is much too high.
"Daddy, you're not looking." I can hear the pout through his voice.
"Daddy doesn't like heights, baby." I say as I hold his hand more firmly.
"Oh, well, it's almost over daddy." He puts his head on my shoulder so I can relax. As we got closer to the ground I opened my eyes and immediately looked at Calum and when I finally have my feet on the ground I hug him.
"I'm never doing that again." I laugh nervously.
Calum smiles little.
"It wasn't that bad. "It wasn't that bad? That was high..." I'm interrupted by Calum who says my nickname worried.
"Daddy?" I look at him confused and notice he's looking behind me. I turn around and see a blond boy, not much younger than Calum, crying. "Daddy, he looks sad. Should help him." And before I can say anything, he pulls me over to the crying boy.

Luke pov
I lost daddy. My lip is trembling as I look around restlessly looking for Ashton. Tears fall from my cheeks when I can't find him anywhere. I am hopelessly thinking where he can be when I am taken out of my bubble of thoughts by someone putting his hand on my shoulder. I turn around quickly, hoping for daddy but instead I look into chocolate brown eyes that belong to a boy with black hair and light brown skin.
"Are you all right?"  I look up in blue eyes that belong to a blond guy, I hadn't even noticed him yet.
"N-no." I immediately start crying again because I still haven't found Ashton.
"Honey, it's okay, what's going on?" The blond guy grabs my hand and immediately I pull it away.
"I-I don't know who you are." My crying has diminished to little sobs.
"I-I can't m--I can't talk to strangers says d-daddy."
"Well, I'm Calum." says the boy with brown eyes. "And this is my daddy Michael." he goes on pointing at the blond guy.
"What's your name?" "I-I'm Luke, I lost my d-daddy." Again, my eyes fill with tears at this phrase. I am immediately drawn into Michael's arms when he hears what I just said.
"Please stop crying little one, we'll find him. What is his name and what does he look like?"
"He's called Ashton, I've got a f-photo of him, wait a minute please." I take my mobile phone out of my coat pocket and show them the photo I took of Ashton this morning.
"We will help you find him. Where did you last see him?" I take Michael's hand and take them to where I last saw him.
"H-here, he went to buy me a c-c-candycane." Again I feel tears rolling but I quickly wipe them away.
"B-but then all of a sudden he was gone. I-I don't know where he went." "Hey, take it easy, little one." Michael kneels beside me and wipes some of my tears away.
"We're gonna find him, okay?" I nod.
"But how?" Michael looks at me from Calum and then smiles sweetly.
"Do you have his mobile phone number in your phone?" Of course, my phone! Completely forgot that!
"Y-yes." I take it right out of my pocket and call daddy. I put the mobile phone to my ear and wait impatiently for Ashton to answer. I hear the click of picking up the line and gasp for breath.
I wait impatiently for an answer while I wiggle my feet.
"Hey princess, daddy is here. Where are you? Where were you all of a sudden?" I breathe the word daddy out in relief before explaining to him that I lost him when he went to buy a candycane.
"Where are you now princess?" I smile at the nickname.
"I'm at the candy stand." "Damn." I giggle at his naughty word.
"Daddy, you said a bad word." "I'm allowed to say naughty words, little one." Suddenly I feel arms around my waist. Daddy!
"Daddy!" I jump right into his arms and bury my face in his neck.
"I was so scared." "Me too, princess, I'm so glad I found you." He says and kisses me on the cheek. "Who are they?" he then suddenly asks while pointing at Michael and Calum. I move my legs wildly until he puts me down and then I stand with them and hug them both.
"This is Michael and that is Calum. He is Michael's little one." I explain as I point at them. I giggle and make grabby hands so Ashton will pick me up again.
"They helped me find you, Daddy." I yawn and then I put my head on his shoulder.
"Thank you so much" says daddy who then shakes hands with Michael.
"No problem, I don't know what I would do if I lost Calum." says Michael holding Calum's hand.
"Yes, it's scary." says daddy who looks at me and gives me a kiss on my forehead.
"Indeed, do you live around here?"
"No, I live in Queensland." answer daddy.
"Really? So do we, about half an hour from here, I think I have to go because this one has to go to bed," says Michael while tapping Calum's nose with a smile.
"Wait, um, could I have your number? I know it's weird but I don't know many people in this community and I would really like Luke to have someone to play with as well. If you don't mind, of course." "No problem at all," says Michael with a smile and then puts his number in daddy's mobile phone.
"I'll text you soon, bye Luke and Ashton."
"Goodbye Michael and Calum. Thanks again for helping me." We wave to them and then we go to the car.

Michael pov.
I carry a sleepy Calum to the car while smiling and thinking of Ashton and Luke. They are great, I like them. Ashton certainly didn't look bad either. Damn.
"Daddy?" asks Calum in a sleepy voice.
"Yes puppy?" I look at him and immediately smile at how cute he looks.
"You like them, don't you?" I look at him in surprise.
"Uh, as friends, yes. They're sweet." I put Calum in the car and buckle him up and then I put a kiss on his head and sit behind the wheel.
"No, you like them but that's OK, I like them too" he mumbles tired as his eyes fall and one last yawn leaves his lips before he falls asleep while I remain here confused but happy.
Do I like them? They seem really great to me, if I'm honest. Ashton is so handsome and Luke is such a sweetheart. Damn Calum might be right.

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