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Months have passed and it is now February 13

"By now you've had it

Can't fix nothing in silence

you say you care,but you don't care

like how I care and that's fucked up.

And what hurts the most is you don't want my love

my love no,cant explain Men" - Men by Tink

Keri Pov

I feel so dirty for messing with Lucas and Frankie on the same day.If you call me a hoe I wont be offended.Even though my parents kicked me out,they taught me better.I moved out Frankie's house cause I just couldn't live with him anymore.

I've been messing with a girl on the low low.I've always been bi curious and I wanted to try something different.She's not a stud or anything,she's a regular girl she's just gay.I mean the gals know about us but nobody at school really does.Im not trying to rush things between us and she knows that.

The past couple months a lot of things has happened.Me,Kyrah and Jayda made up and we all live in the same apartment.I know I said would never forgive her,but I might as well.We're twins,we're going to make mistakes but we have to forgive each other.

I can't fully blame her for fucking with Frankie because on my part I fucked with Lucas.I knew she was messing with him,I just wanted to get back at her.That's how childish I was.Kyrah stopped being friends with that bitch Briana though,thank the Lord.

It's right before Valentine's day,me and the gals are in the mall shopping.Im buying my baby,Asia a necklace and some other things.But I'm in Victoria's Secret buying Jayda and Kyrah clothes.Speaking of Kyrah,she's almost due and we're all excited because she's having a boy.She's thinking about naming him Dallas which is adorable.

We parted our ways and I entered Children's Place.Hands down this place was the shit,defiantly best place to get clothes for babies and toddlers.I bought four newborn outfits.Yes I'm going to spoil my lil nephew.After that I went into Victoria Secret because frankly I need a new sweatsuit.

I picked out a sweatsuit that I liked and got it line.I pulled out my 25% off coupon,call me broke I don't give a fuck this store high as hell.While I was waiting to get checked out I kept hearing some loud ass bitch behind me.I know I'm loud but damn girl shutup.

I turned around cause she was getting on my last nerves,and guess who I saw standing by the loud bitch?Frankie.She was dark skin but very pretty and thick.I smirked to myself and turned around.Fuck nigga I thought to myself while shaking my head. He love me and care for me,all that bullshit and he with another bitch that fast?

It's been about 4 months but shit.Whatever.I paid for my shit and as I was walking out Frankie noticed me.I acted like I didn't see him but apparently he did and he called my name. I turned around and did a fake smile.

"Yes?" I asked while he looked me up and down while licking his lips.

I rolled my eyes,"You look good." He said and I nodded.

"Yeah thanks but i'll be on my way" I started to walk out but then I heard the dark skin talking shit.I turned around and walked up to her. "What were you saying?" I raised my eyebrow and looked at her,waiting for her to say some slick shit.First thing that came out her mouth was bitch.Typical of Frankie,picking the major hood rats.

"First of all sweetie,I'm not a bitch.You don't even know me so watch what the fuck comes out your mouth.I barely said shit to your nigga or whatever he is to you.Learn how to shut the fuck up and stand there,like the good little side bitch you are." With that I walked away and headed to the food court to meet with my gals.


"Can you believe that my feet went from a size 8 to 10?Jesus that shit is so unattractive for a female to have big feet." Me and Kyrah laughed at Jayda ranting about her feet.

"Jayda you're ass is pregnant incase you forgot.You're feet is supposed to get bigger duh."Kyrah said making me laugh,but instead Jayda just rolled her eyes.Of course she's hella moody.

"Can you believe that I saw you know who in Victoria's Secret and he had a side bitch with him who decided to talk shit?" I said as I bit into my chicken sandwich from Chick-Fil A.

Jayda and Kyrah gasped while looking at me with wide eyes.

"You saw Frankie?"

I rolled my eyes at Kyrah's stupidity,"Nah bitch Fredrick.Who the fuck else?"

Jayda laughed extra loud making nosey people look at us.

"Damn bitch my bad.Just asking a question." Kyrah said and laughed

"Asking a question my ass."



#1 This is my last change probably lol but Im changing their ages again.I know the twins turned 17 but lets just pretend they turned 18 instead and they're seniors. Actually everyone in the story are seniors including Jayda,her baby daddy, EVERYONE.

#2 The video is Kendal Jenner listening to the song MEN by Tink. I just wanted ya'll to hear the song cause it's the shit lol.
#3 If you have something against bisexuals, homosexuals,gays, or anything like that I suggest you to stop reading this story lol cause Keri is going to start messing with females.

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