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I realize I made that deal with Lucas but truth be told I want Keri to myself.I don't want any other nigga all up on her.I don't know man I'm so confused.I'm over her falling in love with a little senior.The fuck is wrong with me?My lil bitch ass.

"You need to fucking get your lazy ass up and get a second job.Your little job fixing cars aint doing shit!"Jayda yelled at me for the thousandth time."You talking bout me but I don't see you with a job period!So shut all that shit up."I yelled back and she got in my face,"First of all I don't know who the fuck you talking to.I'm out here maintaining a 3.5 GPA so I get admitted into a good college.Meanwhile you barely even show up to school."
"Maybe I could if I didn't have to worry about a fucking kid every minute of the day."I retorted back and she glared at me."Don't start with that shit, you're the one who insisted on not using a condom." I rolled my eyes at her stupid comment," Bruh shutup.Your pussy not that good so chill out."She smacked her lips at my non-chalant reply."The fuck you still here for?Get to stepping."She walked out the room to get our son Dallas.Shiid bye."


Me and Jayda decided that we would meet up with Kyrah to discuss the events that have happened in the past.I deadass need to stop being so childish and grow up.Plus Kyrah my own flesh and blood, I don't need to be arguing with her all my life.We walked inside Buffalo Wild Wings, found where Kyrah was sitting and sat down. "Hey." Kyrah said and we both greeted her back."Sooo I would like to apologize for my behavior the other day. The way I acted was unnecessary and I understand why you would be embarrassed to call me your sister."
I looked at Jayda and she was just as shocked as I was at Kyrah's outburst. I've never see Kyrah being so sincere.I cleared my throat,"Um thank you for the apology. Me and Jayda wanted to apologize too for our childish ass actions." Jayda pitched in "Yeah and I didn't mean to call you bitch and all that. I was just real angry and I am sorry for real."
Kyrah nodded politely and I couldn't tell if she was faking or not. I hope she isn't cause I'm honestly tired of all this drama. "To be one hundred, I miss you a lot Kyrah. I miss us being the "baddest twins" and fucking shit up wherever we went." Kyrah and Jayda both laughed. "I'm being dead ass y'all."
"Bro I still remember when we first met." Jayda said in between laughs, "We were walking down the hallway and then we saw, ugh we saw Frankie and Lucas." Me and Kyrah rolled our eyes at the sound of their name. "Wish I would've never met them niggas to be honest."


"Wish you would've never met who?" Keri,Kyrah, and Jayda all turned around and mugged the shit out of me.If looks could kill I'd be in a casket.
"Frankie?Fuck are you doing here?" Keri yelled and I chuckled."Chill baby. I don't want to interrupt y'all conversation.I just wanted to stop by,long time no see Keri." She rolled her eyes and before she could say anything Jayda spoke,"Actually we were just leaving." She smiled sarcastically "Bye Kyrah." I sat next to Keri "Awww why so soon?I wanted to deliver some important information."
Kyrah smacked her lips," So what's this important information you speak of?" I smiled "Oh nothing.Just wanted to let Keri know that I think I saw ole boy getting some neck by his baby mama this morning.Might not have been him though. It was definitely his baby moms though."
"And how the fuck would you know that?" I was making Keri angry and I was happy. I ain't trying to be the bad guy, I just want to show her that "her nigga" ain't shit. "How would I know that was his baby mama?" They all said at the same time "Yeah." I laughed and took a sip of Keri's water, "Cause she was in my bed last night."

Hey y'all I'm back lol. I was supposed to been update this book but you see how my life is set up...
I go on break Tuesday, hallelujah. So I'll probably update around Thanksgiving.


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