Chapter 25

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When your food arrives, you feel excited to be trying another local restaurant. You pick up the napkin to place it in your lap and then look across the table, noticing a smile starting to form on Tony's mouth.

"What are you smiling about over there?"

Still chewing his food, he laughs silently.

"You love being out and about, don't you?" He asks.

You giggle, "Yea, I guess I do. What made you say that?"

"Your little dance."

"I danced?"

"Yes, you danced. When the waitress brought the food. You didn't realize that, did you?"

He looks at you smiling wider.

"No I didn't."

He busts out laughing.

"Yea, you danced around in your chair as you put the napkin in your lap and picked up your silverware."

You put your fork down and look up at him and smile, feeling yourself blush.

"I'm embarrassed," You say, covering your face.

"Please don't be. I love seeing you like this, it makes me happy."

"It does?"

"Mmmhmm. So I guess you're right, I will have to start taking you out more."

You both laugh.

"Well, if I'm being honest, I don't love it all the time. Most of the time I'm very much of a homebody. But I'm in a place that I haven't been in before, with a person I haven't been with before. So I want to go out and experience things with you. It excites me!"

Tony just looks up at you and smiles.

"What??" You ask.

"You're cute."

You laugh and accept the compliment.

"I hate to kill the mood, but we don't have that much time left here, ya know." He says.

Hearing him say this makes you sad. This has been the most perfect trip with the most perfect man and you hate to see it end.

"No, I didn't know. When do you guys finish up?"

"We only have about ten days of filming left."

"That's it?" You ask.

"I'm afraid so. But there is some time between finishing up here and when they will need me in D.C.. What do you say to us staying a few extra days to enjoy the city? Just you and me."

"Umm yea, there's nothing I'd love more."

"Great. We should try to find some fun things to do. Maybe take a couple of the tours all these tourists do." He chuckles.

"I'd be fine with that. We should try and have a picnic too. Like old school style, picnic basket, on a blanket.

"Yes, we should. And I know the perfect spot."

"Here in Florence?"

"Mmmhmm." He says as he chews his food.


You start clapping your hands and bouncing in your seat. Tony looks up at you and starts to smile again.

"You know you wer--."

You cut him off, "Yes, I know I was dancing this time."

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