Chapter 19

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You wake up the next day to Tony climbing back into bed with you.

"Good morning," you say as you roll over to face him.

"Good morning. I'm sorry I woke you up, I had to go to the bathroom."

"I guess you're allowed. How'd you sleep?"

He laughs, "Very well, like a rock. You wore me out yesterday," he says.

"I wore you out, huh?"

He looks at you with that grin of his.

"Mmhmm. In the best way possible." He replies.

He leans over to you to give you a soft kiss and then pulls your arm across his chest as he settles on his back.

"Did you sleep okay?" He asks.

"Sure did. And it was nice waking up next to you too."

"I have to agree. It's nice to have someone here. To have you here."

Feeling wanted and accepted, you squeeze your arms around him tighter and nuzzle against him.

"Shall I order some breakfast," he asks.


"What do you want?"

"How about an omelette and bacon. Toast too." You say.

"Sounds delicious. Pancakes or waffles?"

"I don't care, either one. What are you gonna get?"

"Eggs and bacon. And sausage. And pancakes."

"Oh, is that all," you joke with him.

"Quiet, you. I'm starved."

You giggle.

"Well you're going to have to let me up so I can order the food."

"No, don't leave me," you say, holding him tighter.

"Come on, I'll be right back."

He unwraps your arms from around himself and tries to sit up but you grab his shoulders and pull him back down.

"Knock it off! He says."

You both start laughing as you try to hold him down.

"Let me up!"

Tony grabs a pillow and hits you with it. Not too hard but hard enough to make you lose your grip on him. He breaks free and stands up out of breath.

"Jesus, you're crazy!"

"Crazy for you," you say with a goofy grin."

He chuckles and rolls his eyes as he turns to walk away. After a few minutes he joins you in bed again and you cuddle up to him like you were before.

"How long did they say it would be," you ask.

"About a half an hour."


"What do you want to do today?" He asks.

"Well I have to submit something for work but it won't take me very long. Other than that, I don't care. What do you want to do?"

"I'd like to stay in today, maybe go out for dinner if that's okay?"

"I'm perfectly content staying here with you," you say. "I'm sure we can find some way to stay busy."

You both laugh. You lay there talking until the food arrives and then get up, putting your robes on.

"Breakfast in bed?" You ask.

"Oh, no no no. Not with the messy eater you are. You aren't gonna make a mess of my bed," he says, shaking his finger.

You crack up laughing and join him at the table.

"I think I'm going to shower when I finish eating and then do what I have to for work. Does that sound okay?"

"That's fine, I can shower while you're working." He says.

You finish your meal and go into the bathroom while Tony offers to clean things up. While you're washing, you notice that you still feel sore and a bit raw. He fucked you so hard yesterday and you realize you just need some time to recover. You finish up and dress in your robe again to go out and start working. You walk over to your room and grab your laptop and the other few things you need to get some work done and then you go back to Tony's room. It's really nice that your rooms are connected.

"I'm going to wash up now," he says.

"Okay, I'll be here waiting on you."

You situate yourself in bed and start working. You finish editing a column for your publisher and then answer a few emails. Tony comes out to find you sitting there, papers scattered, computer resting on your legs, and reading glasses on your face. He walks over to you in his robe and lays diagonally across the bed to watch you work. After a moment he breaks the silence.

"You look sexy in those glasses."

"Oh, stop." You say as you feel yourself blush.

He smiles, "Well you do. What are you working on?"

"Just answering some emails. Almost finished."

"Okay, I guess I can wait."

He rolls onto his back and rests his hands under his head. You finish up and start organizing your papers as you watch him lay there. His chest hair is peeking out from his robe and you take a moment to mentally acknowledge just how sexy he is. You lay your computer, papers and glasses on the table and crawl down to where Tony's lying near the foot of the bed. You give him a quick peck on his lips and he opens his eyes.

"I've finished working." You say as you hover over him.

"Oh. Good." He says with a smirk. Where are your glasses?"

You laugh, "They're right over there. I had to take them off to kiss you."

"Ah, well in that case."

He raises his head to kiss you and you fall onto him. He starts to open your robe and you break the kiss to stop him.

"Tony I can't right now. As much as I want to."

"Why not?"

"I'm still very sore and I just need some time. It's been a while since I've had this much sex."

"Hmph. Well, can you at least make out with me?"

"That I can do."

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