Chapter 4

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After almost an entire day of traveling, you finally set foot in Florence. You are feeling pretty tired and you are just ready for some sleep. So you catch a taxi to your hotel and head to your room to get settled in. Luckily, Tony has saved you the hassle by settling all of the details for you and has gotten you a room right next to his. You arrive at your room and with there being no sign of him, you go in and start unpacking. You figure that he is still working and you choose to stay in and get some rest. After changing into some comfy clothes and you order room service, a pizza, and settle in for the evening. A couple of hours go by and you're done unpacking so you decide to go to sleep. Right as you're getting ready to turn out the light and climb into bed, you hear a knock at your door which almost feels like it stops your heart. Oh my God what if that's Tony. You quickly make your way to the door and stop for a quick check in the mirror to make sure you look at least somewhat presentable and then you answer the door. It's him. There he is, in all of his glory. This 5'9 strong hunk of man is standing at your door ready to welcome you to Florence. You both say hi and greet each other with a hug and then you invite him in.

"Please, come in, Tony!"

"Alright I will for a moment."

"How are you," you ask, "How is Hannibal going?"

"It's still going well, no big delays or anything yet. How was your trip? Not too exhausting I hope."

"It was fine, no surprises. But I am pretty tired. I'm really glad I got to see you before going to sleep."

Chuckling, Tony replies, "Yes, I'm glad I caught you. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for me so I probably won't get to see you at all, although I hope we will be able to have dinner. I actually have something for you."

Pulling an envelope from his jacket pocket, he explains, "Here's an all inclusive pass for you to go to the spa. I went right after I got into the city and it really helped me relax after all the traveling, so I thought it might help you too."

"Oh my gosh, that's so thoughtful of you, thank you! I feel like I'm being spoiled. I really hope I'm not taking advantage of you, Tony."

"Oh stop with that nonsense," he says. "I invited you here and you came with the understanding that I will be paying for everything. A it's not a problem, I want to."

"Well I really can't thank you enough. I am really looking forward to my time here with you."

"Yes, I am too. It's a beautiful, very romantic place."

Romantic? He said romantic. What does he mean? Does he mean just a lovely intimate city or a place to experience romance with someone?

"Well I'm not going to keep you awake any longer, you do look like you could use some rest. I hope you enjoy the spa tomorrow," Tony says as he walks towards the door.

"Thank you, I'm sure I will. You mentioned having dinner tomorrow night. Will you let me know the details sometime tomorrow?"

"Yes I will let you know. Like I said, it will be a busy day but hopefully we can work something in."

"Sure, that sounds great."

"Wonderful," Tony says.

He leans in for another hug and gives you a kiss on the cheek. He pulls away and smiles at you for a moment. Everytime he looks at you, it's as if you feel electricity running throughout your entire body. There's some sort of undeniable chemistry, a spark between the two of you and it's unlike anything you've ever felt before and your heart pounds. Bringing your mind back to the moment, you see Tony wink at you before opening the door and walking out.

"Goodnight, sleep well, he says."

"Goodnight Tony."

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