Chapter 21

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After spending the afternoon reading a few chapters of Hannibal with Tony, you both get sleepy and end up taking a short nap. You wake up a little while later and start getting ready to go to dinner.

"Where do you want to go?" Tony asks.

"Can we go to the place we went on our first date? I would love some pasta."

"Sure. That's probably my favorite restaurant here."

You walk over to your room and dress yourself in a nice skirt and light sweater.

"Amy!" Tony yells.

"Just a minute!"

You smile to yourself because you realize that you've just heard him call your name for the first time. It's the strangest feeling. For one, because it's never happened before but it also felt like the most normal thing in the world. You finish up and grab your purse before heading back to Tony.

"Sorry I was getting dressed. Did you need something?" You ask.

"No, I just didn't know where you went."

Tony looks up from tying his shoes and whistles, causing you to blush.

"You look gorgeous." He says.

"Thank you."

He stands up and puts his jacket on, modeling for you.

"How do I look?" He asks.

"Goofy." You laugh. "And sexy."

He stops posing and steps towards you, tapping his cheek for you to kiss him until you do.

"You ready?"


Tony takes your hand and leads you out. When you arrive at the restaurant, you enjoy a nice meal and talk like old friends. Laughing, making jokes, being goofy, all of it. You notice that you even get a few dirty looks from people walking by you. You aren't being loud enough to disrupt anyone so you just ignore it and try not to let it ruin your time. After a little while, you finish eating and leave the restaurant.

"Boy, I'm stuffed." Tony says as he stretches.

"No room for dessert?" You ask.

"I always have room for dessert."

You laugh and take his hand as you start walking.

"Do you want to try gelato again? It's a pretty clear night so we shouldn't get rained out this time." He says.

You laugh, "Yes, please. I'd love to be able to try it when it's fresh and not mostly melted."

After ordering, you sit at a table outside of the shop to eat your gelato. Your table is right by the door so everyone going in and out is able to see you both sitting there. You start to notice a few people are giving you odd glances as they walk by. Tony keeps looking at them and you can tell that he notices too. You don't mention it but just keep eating until a few minutes later Tony breaks the silence.

"I think these people think I'm too old for you." He says

"What? How do you know that?"

"Haven't you been seeing the way they're looking at us?"

"Well, yea I guess I have. I don't know how you know that's what they're thinking though." You say.

"My Italian is very limited, but I heard someone say something about it as they walked by."

"Oh. Well they need to mind their own business."

Tony laughs and you laugh back. You finish eating and start walking back to the hotel. You pass a small convenience store on your way and Tony stops to go in.

"I need to grab a few things from in here. Do you wanna wait out here for me?" He asks.


As you're waiting for him, you grab a few travelers' translation pamphlets that are outside of the store and start to flip through them. You're going to be in Italy for at least a few more weeks so you might as well try to pick up some of the language. Tony soon returns and you walk the rest of the way back to the hotel. You enter his room and take a seat on the couch while he goes to the bathroom. You hear the water start to run and begin to wonder what he's doing. A few minutes later, he walks out and picks up the bag of stuff he just bought. He starts pulling the items out and laying them on the coffee table.

"Okay, so I got a few things for you. I got some epsom salt, bubble bath, and a couple candles. I think taking a bath will ease your soreness and help you feel better."

"Tony, are you serious?"

He smiles, "Of course I am. I've already started to run the water for you."

What kind of man is this, buying me candles and supplies for a bath. He's perfect. You think to yourself.

"Wow, I'm kind of at a loss for words. You are so sweet and thoughtful."

"It's no problem. Now come on, before your water gets cold."

He takes you into the bathroom and readies the bath for you before helping you into the jacuzzi tub. He then pulls out the candles and lights them for you right before turning the main light of the bathroom off.

"Do you need anything else before I leave?" He asks.

"No, I think you've pretty much thought of everything. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Holler if you need me."

He turns to walk out and starts to shut the door behind him but then quickly opens it back and walks in again.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I got you one more thing."

He reaches into the bag once more and pulls out a small, yellow, rubber ducky, placing it into the water with you. He smiles and turns to walk out.

"Enjoy your bath."

After he leaves, you look down at this ridiculous rubber ducky and start laughing. You pick it up and start playing with it, continuing to laugh at the ridiculousness of it. What an incredible man he is.

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