Chapter 44

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You go up to pay for another game and then stop at the concession stand to get a couple hot dogs and drinks. You go back to sit at the table on your lane and Tony starts eating his hot dog giving you the shock of your life.

"Are you kidding me?!" You ask.


"That is not how you eat a hot dog. Please tell me you're messing with me."

"What's wrong with the way I eat a hot dog?"

"Tony, you just took a bite out of the center. You're supposed to start on the end, see?"

You take a bite and show him and he just looks at you confused.

"I don't know what the hell you're doing, but I've been eating them this way my entire life."

"You're joking."

"No! I don't know why you care."

"I don't, I've just never seen someone eat it that way. That's hilarious."

You start laughing so hard you cry and Tony is barely amused.

"Ha ha, very funny."

You finish eating and start your second game. You end up getting only one strike in the 6th frame, barely pulling your score ahead of Tony's. The longer you play, the more competitive Tony gets and the more fun you have. You finally get to the 10th frame and he goes to get his ball and walks up to throw it.

"Okay, now try throwing it as hard as you possibly can, but make sure you're still aiming straight."

He does as you say and hits the pins just barely off center, sending all of them flying up and away from where they were sitting.

"You just got a strike!"

He starts acting all cool, like he meant to do that, and you can't stop laughing at him.

"Great job! I knew all those muscles of yours would come in handy."

"I guess the harder you throw it the better you do?"

"That's right. Okay, so since you got a strike in the 10th frame, you get another 2 throws."


"Yes, so go on, do the same thing again and you'll beat me."

He goes up for another throw and does the same thing, but this time leaves one pin on the right.

"That's okay, you can get that. Just aim well and don't throw as hard this time."

His aim is perfect and he's able to pick up the spare.

"There ya go!"

"I can't believe I got that."

It's now your turn and you go up and throw the ball. Your aim is off and you don't knock as many pins over as you'd like.

"Well Tony, I think you just won."

"No, you can still get those."

"Yes I can, but your strike and spare will put you way ahead."

You go throw your two remaining balls and wait for the score to come up. Amy: 118, Tony: 121.

"Congratulations Tony, you won! Fair and square."

"I can't believe it. It doesn't make any sense to me. You knocked way more pins down the entire game than I did."

"Yes I did, but the 10th frame is the most important because the pins are worth more. It was a pretty close game but you did better in the 10th frame. You win!"

"Wow, that's amazing. I wouldn't have done this well if I didn't have as good of a teacher as you. Thanks for teaching me."

"Of course, I had a blast. Thanks for being brave and trying something new."

"I'm glad I did!"

You get back to the hotel a little while later and start getting ready for bed. You lay down and pick up Hannibal to start reading some and then Tony comes and joins you.

"Reading already?"

"Sorry, I couldn't wait."

"That's alright. Are you going to stay all the way over there, though?"

You giggle and scoot yourself closer to him. You lay the book flat against your chest to hold your place and look up at Tony, as he leans up against you.

"Thanks again for indulging my spontaneous desire to go bowling tonight."

"You're welcome."

He leans down and gives you a few soft kisses.

"So tell me something. Did you let me win the second game tonight?"


"Did you let me beat you? Be honest."

Your face gets warm and you back away from him.

"What makes you think that?"

"I don't know, just wondering. And by the shade of red your face is right now, I think I know the answer."

He smiles at you and you can't lie to him so you tell him the truth.

"Yes, I did. I'm sorry."

He starts laughing.

"Are you mad?"

"No, I'm not mad. I think that's adorable that you felt the need to do that for me."

"I didn't want to make you go bowling and then have a miserable time, ya know? That's the only reason I did it."

"You're a very sweet woman."

He kisses you.

"Thank you. Will you read to me now?"

"I guess I can do that much for you."

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