Chapter 3

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After arriving back home, you do your best to get settled back into your normal routine. You go back to work at your full time job, start socializing with friends and family again, but something just feels... off. A week passes, then two, as you try to figure out what's wrong. Maybe I'm just missing vacation, being off work, and Calif- oh. It finally hits you. Tony. You haven't heard from him. It's not like he hasn't been on your mind, because he has, but you didn't realize just how much it was subconsciously bothering you that he hasn't called. You know he's probably busy getting ready for Hannibal but you were really looking forward to hearing from him again soon. Nothing you can do about it, you're just going to have to wait this one out And that's what you do. You get used to living your normal life again and wait. It feels like ages that you've waited but it's only been a few weeks. Then one day, you come home from work and check your voicemails and there's one from a number that you don't recognize. You listen to it and realize that it's Tony. He says:

"Hello, this is Tony Hopkins. I hope I have the right number. I was hoping I would get to speak with you but you must be at work or something. Umm.. I was just calling to see how everything is going for you since being back home. I would love it if you could give me a call back sometime today. I'm currently in Florence and I know we are quite a few hours ahead of you so hopefully I don't miss your call. No matter the time, just give me a call anyway. Thanks, and I'm looking forward to your call. Good-bye."

You find yourself smiling as you listen and feel those butterflies start up. The day you've waited for has come.. He actually called. You immediately write the number down that he left and get comfy on the couch to call him back. You dial the number, not knowing if he will pick up. You've just enough time to think, I wonder what time it is in Florence, and then you hear him answer:


"Hello, is this Tony?"

"Yes, it is. I've been waiting on your call. How are you?"

You are surprised that he immediately recognized your voice and knew you.

You reply, "I am well, just trying to get back into my routine which is proving to be pretty difficult after vacation. How is everything with you? Have you started shooting Hannibal yet?"

"Yes we started a few days ago. It's going well and it's nice to be back in this character. I've sort of missed him in a way."

"Oh, well that's great, I'm happy for you," you say. "How much longer will you be there?"

"Well we've only just started and have another 3-4 weeks left. There was a reason I called you, I sort of have a proposition for you. Umm.. I was wondering if you would be interested in joining me here in Florence for the duration of our shoot. I would really love the company and I know you would love to see the city. What do you think?"

You are shocked, to say the least. So many thoughts come flooding into your mind, What about work? I can't afford this. What will I tell my friends and family? He wants ME to join him in Italy? Before you even have a chance to respond, Tony says:

"Just so you know, I would pay for everything. Your hotel room, meals, any activities or anything. I would just love to get to know you better and this is a beautiful city in which to do it."

Still in shock you say, "Oh Tony, I don't know about this. I can't possibly take advantage of you in that way, an all expenses paid trip to Italy. As much as would love to join you, I wouldn't feel right doing that. I also didn't think you'd have much free time, would we even have much time together?"

"Tony says, Oh don't be silly. You aren't taking advantage of me, I am the one asking you, remember? It's not like you're asking me to pay for your trip. I'm offering and I would love to do it. And I probably have more free time than you think so don't worry about that. Please, just say yes. Say you'll come."

How do you resist this sort of offer? You would be a fool.

"Yes! I will do it. I will come. I do need some time to sort out work stuff at work and everything here but yes, I will join you. I don't know what else to say.. thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Laughing, he says, "Alright! I'm so glad you agreed. Do you think if I get you a ticket for 3 days from now, that will be enough time for you to get everything settled?"

"Yes that should be fine!"

"Ok great," Tony says. "I will get you the ticket and let you know where to go and when. I am really looking forward to seeing you soon."

"Oh thank you so much. I really can't say how much this means to me and I can't wait tp see you as well."

He says, "It's no problem. I will have someone let you know of the arrangements tomorrow and then see you soon. Be safe traveling."

"Thank you so much, Tony, I will be safe and see you soon. Goodbye."

After hanging up the phone, you are so shocked by what's happening that you just sit there staring, almost numb, but a smile slowly forms on your lips. You are so excited. You then make a mental checklist of everything that needs accomplished in the next couple days and get started. You call your best friend to see if she can house sit and take care of your cat. She can, check. You call your boss to let her know that you will have to be working remotely for at least the next month. With you being a writer, it shouldn't prove to be too difficult of a feat, and it isn't. She is able to quickly set you up with everything you need. Check. You splurge on some new, nicer luggage and begin packing. Check. You are so surprised at how easily everything is getting done and the excitement grows and grows and grows. Tony's assistant calls you with your flight information and you are all ready to go.

Exactly 3 nights after his call, you are sitting in the airport waiting for your flight to leave. You can't help but let your imagination run wild with all of what's to come. What does he mean he wants to get to know me better? I know he likes me but exactly how much? Enough to...STOP, you tell yourself, snapping yourself back to reality and away from the thoughts that are about to cross your mind. You have no idea what to expect but you have hopes. And you're ready, oh so ready to see him again.

Florence: Where It All BeganHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin