Chapter 45

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It's early Saturday morning and you open your eyes from a deep sleep to Tony waking you up.

"Hey, I just wanted to tell you I'm leaving."

"Do you know what time you'll be done with the photoshoot?"

"Should be done by Noon at the latest, but anything can happen, so we'll see."

"Okay, be safe and have fun."

He laughs, "Okay, see you later."

He kisses you and walks out of the room. You look at the time and it's just after 5am so you roll over and go back to sleep.

Hours later, you are sitting in bed, just finishing up some work and in walks Tony.

"Hello!" He says.

"Hi, how'd it go?"

"Very well! I'm sorry it went longer than expected though."

"That's okay."

You wrap up what you're doing and put everything away. Tony walks over to you and jumps on you, kissing you all over your face.

"Wow, you're much peppier than usual. Everything okay?"

"Uh-huh. But I need you to do something for me."

"What's that?"

"I need you to go get all dolled up for me."

"What for?"

"I'm taking you out tonight. Don't bother asking where because I'm not telling you. But I will tell you that it's formal and you'll need to wear your dress again."

"What? The one I wore to the opera?"

"Yes, that one."

"Does this mean you're wearing your tux?"

He laughs, "Not the whole tux, but a suit."

"Oh boy, I can't wait!" You say, giggling.

"Alright, now, go on. We only have a couple hours until we have to leave."

"Okay, I hope it's worth all this trouble."

"I think you'll be pleased."

A couple hours pass and you're both finally ready to go.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going now?"

"Nope, gotta wait until we get there."

You take a taxi down from the hotel down to the river and arrive just as the sun is starting to set. Tony opens the door for you and you get out and look out towards the water and see a pretty big boat where people are lined up in front of. Tony takes your hand and you start walking towards the dock.

"Have you figured out what we're doing yet?"

"It looks like we're going to take a boat ride. But why'd I have to get dressed up for this?"

"It's a dinner cruise."

"Wow, how fancy."

"Are you excited?"

"Yes, I am! I didn't know they had these here. How did you find out?"

"I saw an advertisement for it when we were taking pictures today."

"I'm glad you did, I've always wanted to go on one of these."

You make your way to the boat and are greeted by someone who takes you to your table for the evening. On your way, you pass an area where there's a band playing music and also what appears to be a small dance floor. When you arrive at the table, you're surprised because you thought you'd be seated with other people but instead, you're at a small table in the corner, all by yourselves. Tony pulls your chair out for you and you take your seat. Your waiter comes up a few moments later and lights the candles on your table, which completely sets the mood.

"This is so romantic. Thank you for doing this." You say.

"My pleasure. I love taking you out."

You look at your choices for the meal and make your selection. The waiter brings your drinks and soon after, your food. You enjoy your meal and then decide to get up and walk around for a bit. You make your way to the outer deck near the back of the boat. The sun has completely set by now and most of the only light you have is coming from the city.

"This is a gorgeous view of the city." Tony says.

"It is. I love how the water is reflecting the light."

"Mmhmm. Have you ever been on a boat like this before?"

"Sorta. I've been whale watching with my family, but that was a different kind of boat and it wasn't at night. Whale watching was fun, but I love seeing the water at night. It's very peaceful."

"Yes, it's very calm tonight."

"It's chilly though."

You laugh.

He takes your hand and starts leading you back inside.

"Come dance with me."

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