Chapter 10

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Tony gets up and walks around to the opposite side of the bed you're on and stands there looking at you for a second with that sly grin of his. The light in the room is very soft and dim, which sets the mood perfectly. You reach your hand out to him and he grabs it while climbing in on his knees. He lays down next to you, propping himself up on his elbow and stays there a second, not even looking at you.

"You ok," you ask.

He looks at you with those sparkling blue eyes and replies, "Yea, I'm perfect."

You hold eye contact for a moment until Tony moves his eyes to your lips and pulls you into another kiss. After a few minutes, his gentleness turns more passionate causing you to moan softly against his lips. You run your fingers through his hair as he runs his hand up and down your body. He kisses your neck and then your shoulder and then your chest. He moves lower to your breasts and starts planting kisses all over while gently peeling the dress away from your skin. Then it happens; he starts laughing again. Immediately unnerved by him laughing at such an intimate moment, you ask him:

"What is it now??"

Still laughing, almost unable to answer you, he says, "There's another one."

"Another what," you ask.

"Chocolate chip!"

Tony takes his finger and scoops up a mostly melted chocolate chip from in between your breasts and holds it up to show you.

"Messy eater, are you?"

You throw your head back laughing and he rests his head on your chest doing the same. After a moment, he raises back up and holds his finger to your mouth for you to eat the chip. Looking him in the eyes, you take the tip of his finger into your mouth and use your tongue to lick it off. But you really take your time and run your tongue around his finger, even sucking a little. He just stares at you with an expression that you've never seen him make before and it's one of the sexiest things you've ever seen. You release his finger and he kisses you again. He then moves back down to your breasts and licks the rest of the chocolate up. Tony reaches underneath your bra and brings his still wet finger to your nipple, swirling it all around before gently blowing on it. Another moan escapes your lips and you realize that with his smile, his laugh, and his sense of humor, he's eased all nervousness you once had. You take your hand and run it underneath his jacket, pushing it off his shoulders. He sits up a moment to take it off and tosses it onto a nearby chair. He turns back to you and smiles as he starts taking your dress off, kissing the areas of skin he's now exposing. You stand up and drop the dress to the floor and he just stares at you.

"My God you're gorgeous," he says, eyeing you up and down.

He reaches for you and pulls you back in on top of him, kissing you as he rolls you over onto your back. You can feel his erection against you and it arouses you even more. You start to undo the buttons of his shirt as he reaches under you to unfasten your bra and pulls it off. He doesn't hesitate before taking one of your breasts into his mouth and then the other. His mouth feels so good against your skin and you let out another moan. You start taking his shirt off of him and throw it to the side. Finally you're able to feel his skin against your fingertips and you run your hands up and down his chest, through his chest hair, around his back and pull him in closer to kiss his neck. You both run your hands all over, exploring each other's bodies and then Tony starts kissing a trail down to your stomach. He stops around your belly button and takes his time. But you start squirming and giggling which makes him stop and look up at you.

"Is someone ticklish," he asks.

"Just a bit," you say.

He starts kissing you in the same spot, only rougher and nuzzles his nose into you to try make you squirm more.

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