Chapter 14

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While waiting for the valet to bring his rental car around you keep trying to get Tony to tell you where you're going.

"Tonyyyy! Where are we goinnngg??"

"God you're annoying. Unbelievable," he says with a smirk.

"I wouldn't be annoying if you would just tell me."

The car finally arrives and like the gentleman he is, he opens the door for you to get in before taking his seat behind the wheel. As he pulls out onto the street, you turn towards him in your seat and stare at him, expecting to be acknowledged but you aren't.


"Well what," he asks.

You pause and look at him in disbelief because he still isn't telling you.

"Oh, you want to know where I'm taking you. Well, I thought you may want to see a few of the locations we've been shooting Hannibal."

"Are we really going there?!" You ask.

Tony chuckles, "Yes to a few places. We probably won't be able to get out and walk around though because people know we are shooting there and they're probably out looking for us. So we'll have to look from a distance."

"I don't care, I just want to see it!"

You shriek in excitement, making Tony laugh.

"Do people come up to you when you're shooting and ask for autographs and stuff?"

"Yes they do. It's actually been surprising how many people are gathered, yelling our names and wanting to meet us. I feel like a rockstar or something. It's very odd," he says laughing.

"Wow, I bet it's overwhelming. I feel like I would either get a big head or shrink inside myself and hide from the crowds. That's probably why I'm not famous," you giggle.

"Yea it can be difficult sometimes. I try to talk to as many fans as I can because they're the reason I'm working in the first place. But you really do have to be balanced and realize you're no more important than anyone else."

The two of you drive a little further and you arrive at the Palazzo Vecchio. It's a huge building so you have no problem seeing it from a ways away. Then he takes you to see the Ponte Vecchio but you aren't able to see that too well.

"I wanted to at least try to show you this now, but there are a lot of people out. I'll have to bring you back here to browse through all of the shops that are in there. It's a pretty unique area," he says.

"I would love that. I can't wait to see it up close."

Tony takes a few turns and then starts driving out of the city.

"Where are we going now," you ask.

"You are just going to have to wait and find out when we get there for this one. How many times have you seen Silence of the Lambs?"

"There's no way I could keep count of that. "Probably hundreds," you say laughing.

Tony chuckles, "Okay well that's good to know."

"Why do you ask?"

"Because the significance of our next destination is dependent on your memory of that film."

You drive a little further out from the city and then cross a bridge. Tony pulls into a parking lot hidden by some trees and gets out of the car. He comes around and opens the door for you. He locks the car, takes your hand and starts walking back to the bridge you just crossed. You notice there's a nice walking path alongside the road portion of the bridge, and you realize he must be taking you there.

"Beautiful day, isn't it?" He asks.

"Yea, I'm happy we are getting to enjoy some sunshine together."

"Oh that's right, you've been cooped up in the hotel this whole week. I'm glad you're getting out, he says."

You walk a little further out onto the bridge, still wondering where you're going. But then, Tony comes to a stop and rests his hands on the railing, looking out from the bridge. You stop behind him and start to ask him why he stopped and what he's looking at, but then you see it. You see what he's looking at. The Duomo, from Hannibal Lecter's drawing in Silence of the Lambs. It's all there- the Duomo, the Belvedere and all of the beautiful buildings the bridge is overlooking. It's absolutely breathtaking. You step closer to Tony and hug his left arm from behind him, pushing your nose into him. You close your eyes, take a deep breath in and savor the moment. The setting sun, the subtle wind against your skin, the man in front of you and his magnificent scent that is so intoxicating. If you don't open your eyes you may fall over and faint. Tony reaches his arm to you and brings you in front of him to hold you. You both just stand there taking in the view. No talking, just silence. He leans his head down to you and gives you a few soft kisses. Then you realize that you're standing there with Hannibal the Cannibal himself and you bust out into laughter.

He looks around at you laughing and asks, "What in the world are you laughing at?" You're bent over the railing, laughing so hard you can hardly breath. He turns you to face him and you start holding onto him for support.

He starts laughing harder at your craziness and keeps asking, "WHAT? WHAT?"

You finally calm down enough to tell him.

"I realized that I'm standing here with Hannibal looking at the scene he drew down in the dungeon and it's just so ridiculous!"

He finally realizes the humor in the situation and throws his head back in laughter.

Once he composes himself he leans down to your ear and says in his Hannibal voice, "You know I once told Clarice that she needs to get more fun out of life but I'm sure glad I don't have to do that with you."

You both bust out laughing again and then you stop and just look at him. He looks back at you and then reaches up and runs his thumb along your still smiling lips and across your cheek. You both share another kiss, this one deeper and more passionate. He pulls away and you both stay nose to nose for a moment.

"Would you like to get some dinner?" He asks.

"Yes, please, I'm starving." 

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