Chapter 38

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You follow Tabitha out to the set again and are told that for this scene, you'll be socializing with the other extras. You stand around for almost an hour before you see Tony and the other two actors he's doing the scene with. They get things all set up, call action, and you are just there, talking to some man you don't know. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Tony walk over to the other actors and start talking. You try your best not to watch him, but you sneak a few peeks out of curiosity. You hear Ridley yell "Cut! Set up again." In the waiting, the man you're talking to introduces himself.

"My name is Luca, what is your name?"

"My name is Amy, nice to meet you."

"Very nice to make your acquaintance. I'm assuming from your accent that you're not from around here."

"No, I'm from the US. But you very much sound like you're from around here, am I correct?"

"Yes, ma'am, I'm from a much smaller city, Pisa."

"Wow, that's very nice. Florence is the only place I've visited in Italy. What is Pisa like?"

"It's very beautiful, not far from the coast. Many beautiful churches similar to this one. You have probably heard of the landmark we're most famous for, the great leaning tower."

"Oh, yes of course! I've always wanted to see that."

As soon as you say that, you hear Ridley call action again and you go back to watching Tony.

"So, Miss, how did you get to be in the role of an extra here?"

"A friend was able to get me the part."

"Oh, does she work on the production?"

"Yes, you could say that."

You're afraid to say anything more because you don't want him to know you know Tony or how you know Tony. About that time, you hear Ridley come over on the megaphone and start talking to the extras.

"Hello, everyone, we are going to get a couple more takes of this scene and then we will get some B-roll of you all and we should be done for the night. Sound okay? Good. Thank you for your patience."

"Wow, I can't believe they're almost finished." Luca says.

"I know. You know the actor, Anthony Hopkins? He's pretty good. I hear he doesn't need many takes to get the perfect one."

"Oh, yes ma'am. He's magnifico! I would love to meet him."

"He is magnifico!"

You both laugh.

"You have a very nice smile, miss."

"Thank you."

"What are you doing after? Would you like to go for a drink?"

"Oh, no, I'm sorry to have to turn you down. I'm very flattered but I have plans with my friend."

"Well you could always bring your friend."

"I sincerely appreciate the invite, but we just aren't able to join you."

"Okay, if you're sure."

You continue on making conversation with Luca as Ridley gets the shots he needs. You see Tony leave the set and head back towards the trailer and a few moments later, Tabitha comes and gets you.

"Amy, we have enough extras, if you'd like to go back now."

"Sure, thank you. Well, I guess this is it, Luca. It was very nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you as well. Are you sure about that drink?"

"Yes, I'm sorry. Best of luck to you, have a good evening."

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