Chapter 49

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The two of you take your seats at the restaurant and order your usual. You start reminiscing about the memories you've made together, laughing at all of the funny moments.

"Do you remember when I took you to that bridge overlooking the city? The one that had the same view as Hannibal's drawing." He asks.

"Yea, of course!"

"That was one of my favorite days. I remember you just started laughing for no reason. I didn't know what to think!"

"Ya know, I still don't know what that was. I think it was just a release of pent up emotions after trying to figure out how I felt about you and what was happening with us, and then seeing that view standing next to you, Hannibal the Cannibal. It was too much."

"I know." He chuckles.

"One of my first nights here, I remember you invited me to your room for pastries and tea. I don't know if you'd had dinner that evening or not, but you were really enjoying the pastries and you had crumbs all over you. You were like a little boy stuffing his face. So, so adorable!"

He laughs, "I don't remember you saying anything then, why didn't you?"

"You hadn't made your move yet and I didn't feel comfortable enough to. But I sure was crushing hard on you, mister, that's for sure."

"That's right, you were pretty shy at the beginning, weren't you? And you were shocked that someone like me would be interested in you. And, what's more, you had no idea that I was in shock that someone like you would be interested in me."

"You were?"

"Yes, very much so. I had to shoot my shot with you but I wasn't expecting this to happen. Not at all."

"I had no idea, you seemed very confident, very sure of yourself to me."

"No, I was nervous. I didn't know how you'd feel but then the night... well, after our first time, and you told me how you felt about me before we had even really met, I felt relieved."

"I'm sorry, I kind of can't get over you being scared. You're this strong, confident man. With the exception of bowling, I've never seen you question yourself."

"I'm much more insecure than I let on. Even people I'm close to, like you, don't always know."

"Wow, even THE Sir Anthony Hopkins has insecurities. Imagine that."

"That's right." He laughs.

"I was wrong though, I have seen you scared before. You with those birds at the shops. That was so funny."

"It wasn't funny, they attacked me."

"They didn't- they were hungry and you were holding their food!"

"I was going to give it to them, if they had just waited two seconds."

"Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound right now?"


You start laughing so hard you strangle yourself on a bread crumb.

"You alright?"

"I will be. Gosh, I wish I had that on tape."

"I'm sure glad you don't. And just for the record, I wasn't scared."

"You were, you absolutely were scared!" You laugh.

You finish your meals and as you're on your way back to the car, you stop at a little pop-up market. You browse through a few of the vendors and find one who is selling fragrances. You take a moment and start smelling all of them.

"Tony, we should pick one out for each other."

"Sure. I like this one."

He hands you a sample of a nice smelling men's cologne and you don't really like it.

"I sorta meant that you should choose one for me, and I'll choose one for you. How does that sound?"

"Oh, yea, I'd like that."

The two of you start sampling all of them and you think you've found your favorite for him. Just as you finish, you feel a cool spray on the side of your neck and realize Tony just sprayed you with perfume.

"Could've given me some warning, you startled me."

He laughs, "Sorry. I like this one but I wanted to smell it on you first."

"Well? How is it?"

He buries his head in your neck and takes a huge breath in, making you laugh.

"Oh! This is divine!"

You both laugh at his overdramatized reaction.

"I'm serious, do you like it?"

"I was serious too, it's delicious."

He grabs you and pulls you into him, burying his face into you again and nibbling in your neck."

"Okay, okay, my turn."

You put a small spray of the cologne onto his neck and fan it dry for a second before reaching up to him and pulling him down to you. You take a deep breath and feel yourself nearly fall over at the effect of his scent mixed with the cologne.

"Oh. My. God."

You take a step back and look up at him, seeing him smirk at you like he knows what effect he has on you.

"You sure liked that one, didn't you?"

"Yea I think you could say that," you giggle. "Here, have another spray."

You spray a little on his clothes so it will last the rest of the evening.

"Alright, that's enough. You're going to stain my clothes. Now let's pay the man and get out of here."

You finally get back to the car and drive to your next unknown destination.

"Where to now?" You ask.

"Do you remember that place Tabitha told us about the night of the opera?

"I remember her mentioning A place but I don't remember what it was."

"Piazzale Michelangiolo and it looks like we'll be there just in time to watch the sunset."

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