Chapter 7

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You return to your room and start getting yourself ready for bed all while trying to process what just happened. Once you've washed your face and put your pajamas on, you climb into bed and start laughing like a crazy person, just from the shock and unbelief that HE KISSED YOU. But that soon fades as you start to process your feelings a little more. I really like him. You take yourself back to that moment and how he made you feel. His warmth and gentleness felt so good and allowed you to feel totally comfortable. And those lips. Those lips of his, soft and gorgeous. Totally kissable. You lay there replaying the kiss in your mind until you fall asleep, happy and content.

The next morning, the sunrise peeking through the curtains wakes you up and you immediately start thinking about Tony. Your heart feels full and excited as you realize you still have an entire month with him here in Italy. After a few moments, you get up and order some breakfast while you get yourself set up to work. You may be on a getaway but you still have a job to do.

You spend the whole day working away until about 4 in the afternoon and then decide to call it quits. You still haven't heard from Tony about the plans for this evening, but you decide to get in the shower and start to get yourself ready for your date anyway. You don't know exactly when to expect him but you want to be ready whenever he is. A couple hours go by and then you get a call.

"Hello," you answer.

"Hi, it's me."

"Hey, you. How are ya?"

"I'm great. Are you all ready for our date," he asks.

"Yes, all I have to do is get dressed. What will we be doing tonight?"

"There's no itinerary or anything, but I have made reservations for us at a nice restaurant." He chuckles. "Why don't you get dressed and then come over to my room and we will get going."

"Ok, I should be just a few."

"Perfect, see you soon," he says.

You hang up and go pick out a nice, deep blue dress, not too fancy nor too casual. You grab your room key, lipstick and throw them into your purse before heading out the door. He must have been waiting right inside the door for you because as soon as you knock, he opens it. You take note of what he's wearing: khaki pants, a white button down shirt, a dark navy blazer and you also smell a hint of cologne. He stands there staring at you for a moment before he speaks.

"Wow, you look lovely."

"And you look handsome as always."

"Thanks," he says smiling.

He steps out into the hallway and closes his door behind him. He gives you a hug and a peck on the cheek.

"You ready," he asks.

"I sure am!"

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