Chapter 16

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You arrive back at the hotel and take the elevator back up to your floor. It's a pretty quiet ride which allows you to think about all that happened today. You aren't used to Tony being this quiet and think to yourself, I hope I didn't trigger him with the Abigail conversation. You're brought back to the present when the elevator dings and you both exit

"I had a really good time today. Thank you for planning such a fun night out."

"Of course, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," he says.

Standing outside of your rooms now, you ask, "Did you have fun."

"Yes I had a really nice time," he says with a small smile.

"Well is that it, then? Is the day over?"

He looks down to the floor, "I don't know."

"Tony, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, why?"

"I don't know, you seem a little distracted, like there's something bothering you. I'm worried that I upset you by asking about Abigail."

"No, you didn't upset me at all. But I guess I have been sort of quiet, haven't I? I've just been thinking about things with her. But I'm okay, I promise."

He reassures you with a smile.

"Good, I'm relieved."

"So, let me pose your question back to you," he says.

Tony takes a step towards you and brushes your cheek with his fingers.

"Is the day over?"

You stare in those dazzling blue eyes and find the courage to respond in exactly the way you want to.

"It doesn't have to be."

Hearing your response, Tony lifts your chin and brings his lips to yours, soft and slow. He starts backing you up to the door of his room as he searches for the key in his pocket. You move aside so he can unlock the door and he opens it pushing you inside. Once the door closes, you grab the lapels of his jacket and pull him down towards you. You bring your lips to his and he kisses you hard and fast. You open your mouth, beckoning his tongue to enter and he follows your lead. The intensity of the moment makes you hunger for more of him. So you pull away slightly, biting his bottom lip, ever so gently. He leans back and looks at you, seeming surprised. Neither of you say anything and you almost start to panic that you turned him off with the biting. But then he grins at you and kisses you again, harder. You slide his jacket off of him and push him to the wall. He pulls you closer and you break the kiss placing your forehead against his, trying to catch your breath.

"Do you still feel like you're pressuring me to do something I don't want to, Tony?"

He replies, "No, ma'am, I suppose I don't. You've been perfectly clear with your intentions tonight. I only hope I will be as clear with mine."

As soon as those words leave his lips, he abruptly picks you up and you naturally wrap your legs around his waist. He pauses a moment and then carries you to his bed, the both of you giggling the whole way. He falls on the bed with you and slides you further into the center. You run your hands through his hair and up and down his back. With your legs already being wrapped around him, you can feel him pushing against you and he's already hard. You know that he's not like most men, but for a man of his age you are surprised to discover that he can get hard so quickly. And that just increases your desire for him. As you're running your hands all over him he grabs your wrists and yanks them above your head, holding them there. He kisses your neck and then slides down, taking your right breast into his mouth, licking and sucking through your shirt. His soft moans make you smile more than anything because you love the idea of him enjoying your body. He then releases his grip from your arms and moves his hands to yours, interlocking your fingers. He switches to your left breast and does the same. All amusement aside, he's making you feel so good and you let him know by the sounds you're making. Listening to you respond to him, he stops to look up at you with a smirk.

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