Chapter 12

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You wake up the next morning already smiling, your mind full of thoughts from last night. That man is really something. You get up, shower and then get started on work for the day. You keep catching yourself smiling randomly and you can't keep your mind off of Tony. Remembering the way he touched you and how he felt gives you chills.

The day passes by and you finally finish working. It's late in the evening at this point and you haven't heard anything from Tony yet so you order room service for dinner. After a while, your muscles feel kinda achy so you decide to run yourself a bath and read a little. About 20 minutes after being in the water you're already feeling better, a little sleepy too. So you close your book and rest your head on the tub to try to take a little snooze. A moment later, you're startled by a knock on your door and you think it might be Tony. So you get out, grab one of the plush hotel robes, and put it on as you go to answer the door. When you open the door, there's no one. Weird. You walk back into the bathroom and start to take your robe off and you hear the knock again. Open the door and, again, no one's there. You're starting to get creeped out because it's late and no one should be coming to your room. Then you hear the knock again as you're shutting the main door and turn around and realize the knock is coming from the connecting door between your room and Tony's. So you walk over, take the lock off and open it up. There he is standing there smiling at you.

"What took you so long?"

"I assumed that the knock was coming from the main door and not this one. I thought someone was playing games with me," you say laughing.

"Nope, only me."

The way he's looking at you, the way he's smirking, it's driving you wild. You take a step forward and look up at him as he looks down at you.

"Hi," he says.

"Hi," you reply.

You stand there smiling at each other for another few seconds and then he finally reaches for you and pulls you into a kiss. A moment later you lay your forehead on his chest, laughing through your nose.

He wraps his arms around you and asks, "What is it?"

"Still in shock."

"Ah, well don't you think you should try to get over that soon," he asks.

"I'm trying but this is just so weird, so out of the norm. Never thought I'd be kissing you."

"Well I have some bad news for you, Miss. But the only way for you to get used to it is for it to become the norm. Which means you have to do it. A lot."

You look up to him and see that cheeky grin on his face right before he kisses you again. You stand there for a while just enjoying him and trying to get used to the idea that this is it. It's what you've dreamed of and now it's really real. You and him. He breaks the kiss and you both stand there holding each other.

"How was your day," you ask.

"It was good, pretty busy. How was yours?"

"Mine was busy too. I had a lot of work to catch up on. Have you eaten dinner?"

"Yea they fed us, he says. Have you?"

"Yea I ate right before I took my bath. Oh yea, that's why I'm in my robe, I was taking a bath when you knocked."

"I'm sorry I interrupted you," he says.

"That's ok, come in."

You turn around and walk into your room and pick up a few stray items of clothing to tidy up a bit. Tony looks around for a second and then takes a seat on your bed.

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