07 𝑀𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

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A/N: heyy!! Hope your still enjoying this story!! Just thought I would let you know that the character Elsie is my own character, Have fun reading! ~H♥️

"Do it."

2.5k words

Margo felt good the next morning, even though she was running of four hours sleep her energy was at peak. It was very obvious in the morning for Hermione as the girl walked around their dorm humming to herself.

"What's got you so chirpy on a Monday morning?" Hermione said looking the girl up and down in confusion, Margo had never been one to like Mondays, and when she said never she meant never.

"Cant a girl just be excited for the week ahead." Replied Margo, picking up her shirt and beginning to button it up. Her hair was curled today, falling loosely down her back, the girl had taken the top half of her hair in a half up half down and tied it in a deep red coloured ribbon.

"Yes a girl can be excited for the week ahead." Began Hermione. "But not you."

"Haha, that was so funny I forgot to laugh." Mocked Margo her eyes drooped and her face unimpressed as she watched the curly haired girl zip up her skirt.

"Well let's get going shall we don't want to be late for the best week of your life."

"Oh shove off miss prefect." Margo lightly pushed Hermione out the door slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"Be careful I could give you a detention for that." Laughed Hermione stumbling down the stairs, she really still wasn't used to the platform heels that Margo had insisted made her look 'so sexy that not even leonardo dicaprio could compete'
Hermione was still regretting introducing the young witch to titanic.

"Yeah and what exactly is the the charge" the two were  now standing in the common room because of Hermione who had abruptly stopped.
"Talking back to a superior." Stated Hermione like it was the most obvious answer in the world.

"Oh well forgive me your highness please let me polish your quill while I also give you a exquisite back rub, in the mean time I shall clean your clothes and feed your owl." Mocked Margo now serenading Hermione stood next to her, moving her back up and down as she pretended to praise her.

Hermione was hysterically laughing, barley catching her breaths, doubling over in laughter when catching sight of the girls physical movements. clutching her stomach in the good kind of pain. The two calmed down, taking deep breaths, before continuing to laugh again.

"God where the bleeding hell are they." Said Hermione patting her chest, trying to will away the tears that had formed in the corners of her chocolate eyes.

"Who?" Questioned Margo finally calming down.

"Harry and-" Hermione stopped before eyeing the girl from the corner of her eye, wariness radiating of her.
"Ron?" Finished Margo for Hermione. Coughing lightly from all the laughing they had been doing for the last two minutes, she better of burnt some calories from that.

Before Hermione could say yes there conversation was interrupted by a bubbly, dirty blonde haired girl walking up towards them.

"Hey guys!!" Exclaimed Elsie approaching them with a bright smile, the girls hair was in a nice high ponytail with curtains framing her face perfectly. Elsie was a 7th year, she was a chaser on the gryfinndor quidditch team and had been for the last four years, still she had never been captain. Which puzzled Margo and Hermione. The girl  would have been perfect for the job.

Margo new Elsie fairly well, the girl had tutored her in history of magic her third year. They still spoke a decent amount, if they saw eachother in the common room a polite conversation would take place.

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