30 𝑂𝑙𝑑 𝐻𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑠

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"I think you should leave."

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Previously- Ron and Angelica were kissing. And there was nothing Margo would do about it...

Margo's mind fogged over, sadness engulfing and twisting her spiralling brain. Feeling like a puddle of nothingness, weak and malleable. The once vibrant, exciting party morphing into a hellacious nightmare.

She was sober now, the series of unfortunate events sobering her up nice and quickly. She still felt slightly sick, but that was for future Margo to worry about.

Margo was deaf to anyone's words, not even noticing when Ron and Angelica pulled away from their kiss. Ron red faced, but seemingly confused. While Angelica sported a proud, evil smirk. Happily giving Margo a demonic glare, it of course just fell under blind eyes.

She had to get out of there, the common room was to loud, obnoxious; happy. It was no longer her birthday party, the day of joy and optimism, it was now the worst day of her life. Well, it was actually 12:06 so the worst day of her life had only just began.

Feeling a nudge against her forearm, Margo's eyes flickered over in a deadpanned way to her friend, Juliette.

"Rons looking." She whispered, a pitying smile on her face which she had sported all night long. God what must Juliette be thinking right now, hopefully nothing Margo would incessantly dismiss. Although she was to sure if she could dismiss them anymore, oh god this was to confusing.

She followed Juliette's eyeline, eyes of course falling on Ron Weasley. He was staring, in a way Margo could not pin point. Vacantly? Guiltily?

It didn't matter anyway, Margo didn't care; she wouldn't care. But she couldn't stop looking at Rons eyes, those beautiful blue eyes. She always hated blue, finding the colour weirdly nauseating, but it was mesmerising when placed on Ron Weasleys body.

Everything about Ron was mesmerising.

"I need to leave." Margo whispered, standing abruptly. Tears welled in her eyes as she ran out of the common room hurriedly. she didn't know where she was going, but she knew she couldn't be there.

Ignoring the few shouts of 'Margo?' Or 'where you going?' She pushed open the portrait rushingly, completely passing by the the sleeping Fat lady, who was now shouting in anger at the disruption.

Silence ensued, Margo had no where to go. The kitchens? No, the elf's would not appreciate being woken at this hour. Slytherin common room? What a stupid thought, of course not.

Only one place remained, but Margo was wishing it didn't. She hadn't been to the astronomy tower since her and Ron sat and fought. Well fought was the wrong word, more emotionally spoke.

Sighing, Margo knew it was the only place she had left. So, pushing her personal embarrassment to the side, not wanting to remember being so vulnerable and naked, she made her way to the astronomy tower.


Somehow the view was even more beautiful at night, the light from Hagirds hut below illuminating the surrounding forest. The moon shimmering delicately on the black lakes surface.

But a pretty view could never solve Margo's problems, not permanently. It felt taunting almost, the blissful peace being waved in her face. So close she could taste it. But in reality so far away, it looked like a speck of dust within her monumental suffering.

Tears slid gently down her puffy, swollen face. Her lip wobbling, she felt nauseous, so nauseous. She was no longer sure if it was because of all the alcohol flowing through her system, or because her boggart had just basically come to life.

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