31 𝐷𝑒𝑗𝑎 𝑉𝑢

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A/N-Make sure to follow me, also it's officially my birthday month tomorrow!! Cancers where u at ♋️ -H💕

"I don't deserve you Ron."

2.5k words

It had been four days and Ron wasn't sure what to do. Margo had been completely ignoring him, acting as if the ginger never even existed.

They hadn't had a tutor lesson all week, Margo never showing. Making Ron look like a nervous idiot, people giving him strange looks as he rearranged the order of the worksheets, even touching his hair so much it began to grow greasy.

He was growing desperate, his own sleep falling away as his nights were stolen from overthinking and judgemental thoughts.

The boys were getting worried, Harry checking up on him every morning. Watching as the purple under his eyes shaded even darker every night.

Margo was having a tough time to, spending most nights tucked away in the corners of the common room, nestled in a blanket as guilt consumed her. She couldn't sit on the sofas anymore, memories of Ron and Angelica kissing, never ceasing to enter her mind.

She knew she was being petty, Ron didn't even know what he had done; he hadn't really done anything either. They weren't dating, she didn't like him... but still, she was jealous.

Jealous. That was the word, jealously. Pure and utter jealousy. God it felt awful.

But still, Margo could not bring herself to talk to Ron, no matter how hard she tried. Every time she looked at him it was as if they were sat, back in that common room. Margo forced to endure... the kiss. It was just easier for everyone if she stayed away from him.

All of these thoughts were running through either's head as they sat in the great hall, silently listening to the chatter around.

They weren't sitting near each other, just like they hadn't last five days. Ron sitting three seats away, opposite to Margo.

Most of their friends had caught on to the fact that the two were not in speaking terms, no one prying heavily into it though, it was just one of those things.

Angelica was painfully obvious, nearly cheering in happiness watching as uncomfortable glances were conversed between the pair. It made Margo think she had fallen into a trap, that this was some kind of sick, twisted game. And Angelica was the conductor.

Ron continued to try and catch Margo's eye, even though he knew it was a fruitless act. Now and again he would see Margo reach for a pot of gravy or the bowl of mashed potatoes, proceeding to do the same thing, just to let their fingers glide against one another briefly; reminding her that he's still there. Waiting.

The owls were due in any second, causing Ron to fidget nervously. He had a plan, a smart one? That was yet to be found out. But he knew one thing that was certain, they needed to talk, about everything. Then as if it were god himself listening to his thoughts, the owls arrived.

Owls swooped all around the great hall, chirping erratically. Kids groaning as wings dipped in to their cereal or even having the indecency to slap them in the face.

Seconds later, the sound of ripping paper reverberated round the room, children chatting excitedly. Margo wasn't expecting any mail, she never got letters, like ever. Her father never cared to check up on her, which she didn't mind to be completely honest.

So that's why it was so surprising when a sealed piece of parchment was sitting, right in front of her. The words 'Mᴀʀɢᴏ' sprawled untidily on the front.

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