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It didn't take a long time for (Y/N) to get used to her newfound popularity. It wasn't new so it was easy for her to grow accustomed to it since she came from a fairly known pureblood family. 

Louis had also gotten more people approaching him on the daily, the majority being girls that twirled their hair and giggled. And it didn't help his case when he was proclaimed captain of the quidditch team, but nevertheless (Y/N) felt proud of him. It had been his dream to be in that position since 2nd grade.

Sam was known too, for her beauty and charismatic personality, while Regulus sometimes was 'the younger Black' or 'Sirius' brother', (Y/N) could tell that it bothered him but whenever she tried to give him a safe space to open up, he refused and changed the topic.

Leo was the least popular out of their group, but he didn't seem upset by it. (Y/N) was sure he used to have recognition on his house due to his intelligence and creativity, but judging by the looks some Ravenclaws gave him, being friends with a group of Slytherins really gives you a bad image.

And well, of course she knew who was the most popular group in each house, but Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff didn't really bother her. And Gryffindor wouldn't, had it been anyone else: Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin and... the small kid that followed them around. It was obvious that the four of them were attractive, but (Y/N) had disliked them since second year, and looks weren't going to be the thing that stopped her hatred. 

But (Y/N) was over the prank situation in 1st grade, she didn't care, hell she didn't even remember! But whenever someone said anything related with Gryffindor, not even mentioning the marauders, she went on a full out rant about how cruel they were. So it didn't take a psychologist to know that she was not over it.

With Louis as captain and Regulus as the beater, (Y/N) found quidditch practice not that boring. It was actually pretty fun! Well, not considering getting hit by a bludger or people shouting at her when she let the quaffle into one of the hoops. Slytherins could be really competitive.

September rolled around fast, and apart from the usual glares and creepy stares they sent each other at breakfast, she and Sirius hadn't had any interaction. Strangely, whenever she saw him he had his nose buried in a Potions or Transfigurations book, James and the short one were usually by his side, reading as well.

It was strange and she wanted to ask him what that was about, but she didn't want anyone that passed by to think that she had any relationship with Sirius. Or any of his friends for that matter.

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Sirius had introduced the book about becoming Animagues to Peter and James earlier that year, some weeks after their first day. They had supported his idea, but that meant having to spend their afternoons in the library and even paying attention in class. They even stole some mandrake leaves when Professor Sprout was helping another student, almost getting caught when Peter tripped with a plant's root.

They placed the leaves on their mouths right after giving Remus the care package to help him during the full moon, and didn't swallow or remove them from their mouth at all until the next time Remus' transformation happened again.

Then, Peter had the task to find a small crystal phial that received the pure rays of the moon, and after Remus retired to the Shrieking Shack, they put their saliva-filled leaf inside of each of their vials, and added one of their hairs.

Afterwards, for full seven days, they added a silver teaspoon of dew from a place that neither sunlight nor human feet have touched, and the chrysalis of a Death's-head Hawk Moth. 

Then they put this mixture in a quiet, dark place and left it alone until the next electrical storm. It was a difficult and boring process, and when they read that each morning they had to place their wand's tip over their heart every sunrise and sundown, and recite 'Amato Animo Animato Animagus'.

After some days of repeating that incantation so much Sirius had learned it and even could recite it backwards. One day, he noticed that with the touch of his wand-tip to his chest, he sensed a second heartbeat; at first he had gotten worried over it, and thought there was something wrong and that he was going to die, but after checking the book, it was actually what was supposed to happen.

When the lightning storm striked around November, while others were sleeping comfortably on their beds, Peter, Sirius and James went where they had hidden the phials. And sure enough, inside was a mouthful of blood-red potion inside it. 

After they divided the liquid into three different containers, one for each of them, James noticed that there was a small amount left in the initial phial. "What do we do with this?" 

Sirius offered to keep the phial and then throw it to the black lake, which Peter and James accepted. It would be difficult to do so, since that potion was worth some extra points in both Potions and Transfigurations; but he had to, so he kept the glass phial hidden between layers of clothes until he had enough free time to go and throw it to the Black lake.

The next part of the process to becoming an animagus was the transformation; since the book said that it had to be an isolated place where you couldn't hurt anyone, the three boys took turns to go to a place they were sure nobody knew about. 

Sirius was the last one to do so, he was sure that was the most nervous he had ever been. He then placed his wand-tip against his heart and said the incantation he had learned so well over the last few weeks, and then drank the potion. The process wasn't nice, he felt a horrible pain and the second heartbeat he felt when he said the incantation during morning and night appeared.

And just like that, he became a black dog. 

He had managed to stay calm with the whole situation, and then to transform back to human he visualized his human self as clearly as he could, just as the book said. It took him a while to do it successfully, but he was sure that with practice he would get better.

November was barely coming to an end when an owl he knew well, knocked its peak on his window. The owl belonged to his mother, and had two letters attached with a concerningly tight rope around its neck. 

Sirius took one the letters and got rid of the rope, allowing the owl to breathe properly once again, but instead of opening the letter, he left it on top of his bed. But the owl didn't allow him to, since it started hooting and hitting his hand with its peak.

Sirius sighed after some minutes of ignoring both the owl and the increasing pain in his hand, and opened the letter. It was really extra: the borders were painted with gold and intricate details, with curved lines and small dots on it. The content was written in cursive, and Sirius had to admit that whoever wrote it (probably a miserable house elf) deserved a raise.

"To the Black family,

The Malfoy and Black family request the honor of your presence at the wedding of Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black. The ceremony will take place the next December 18th, in the Malfoy manor." 

There were more things written, like the dress code and the type of gifts allowed. Things also known as stuff Sirius didn't care about; but unfortunately for him, it was likely that his mother had already replied with their attendance. 

His suspicions were confirmed when a small piece of parchment fell out of the envelope, with his mother's letter over it. "Tell your brother and come back home for the Christmas holidays. No complains."

Sirius let the owl go away to deliver the other letter to his younger brother before laying down on his bed and wishing he could stay at Hogwarts.

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𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 1412 words

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