{ Chapter Ten }

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"Hello?" Olivia asked, as she opened the door to the roof and looked out. She listened for a moment, praying for a response from Amanda, but she didn't hear a thing. She was just about to head back downstairs, but stopped when she heard a loud sob coming from the roof. 

Olivia quickly moved out of the doorway, before looking around, and she spotted Amanda in the far corner as she sobbed and buried her face in her legs.

"Rollins, what's happening?" Olivia asked softly as she moved across the gravel and to where her friend sat.

"Liv, leave me alone." Amanda hiccupped as she tried to pull her legs even closer to her chest. She wanted to be as small as possible, because then she thought that nothing could get to her.

"Honey, I was called and told to get in here as fast as I could. So here I am, and I need to know what is happening so I can help... did my husband say something else?" Olivia sighed, as she gently caressed Amanda's hair.

"D-declan called me this morning... he wants to see Jimmy. H-he wants to be his father and it's freaking me out." Amanda sobbed.

"What? I thought that he was too happy being undercover, that he didn't want to give that up to be Jimmy's Dad?" Olivia asked softly.

"He is retiring, I guess. He's coming back, and he wants to be involved! What if Declan wants Jimmy full time? What if-"

"You are going to call the shots, Amanda. You tell Declan what is happening, and that he can't just go undercover whenever he wants because Jimmy needs him. Okay?"

"So do you think he isn't really going to stop being undercover? Because I don't want him to break Jimmy's heart... and all I can think about is if Jenna and Jimmy end up wanting their fathers over me... I don't want to lose my babies." Amanda whimpered.

Olivia frowned before shaking her head and wrapping her arms around Amanda's body.

"Everything will be okay, Amanda. I promise."


Olivia decided to cover Amanda's shift, so she could go home and be with her kids and try to calm down. When Amanda got to her apartment, she held her kids close. Jimmy barely stayed in her arms for a minute, before he was running off and Amanda was left with Jenna. She sat down and held her daughter on her lap and rubbed her belly as she smiled at her.

"Do you love me, baby?" Amanda asked, as she kept rubbing her daughter's stomach as Jenna kept staring at her.

"I bet you love me, but not nearly as much as your father... step mother... half siblings." Amanda frowned. 

Amanda continued to talk to her daughter and then she sat Jenna down onto the floor when Jimmy came into the living room and wanted to play.

It wasn't until around noon, when the kids had eaten and settled in the living room to play, did Amanda's day get worse.

She walked to her door after someone knocked on it. She was hoping it was Dominick, because she could really use one of his famous hugs and a few kisses.

"Oh." Amanda breathed, when she finally unlocked the door and opened it.

"Hey, Rollins." Declan spoke.

"Uh, I didn't think that I'd see you so soon..." Amanda sighed.

"I called you from FBI headquarters. I got debriefed and sent back here. I kinda wanted to get back to you." Declan spoke. Amanda's eyes went wide before swallowing hard.

"We were a one night stand that led to Jimmy. So, uh... I'm assuming you'd like to meet our kid?" Amanda breathed, and Declan frowned before nodding.

"Amanda, I'm doing this for us. For us to possibly-" Declan didn't get to finish his statement before Amanda was shaking her head.

"I'm kinda seeing someone right now. And I have a daughter." Amanda spoke quickly.

"A daughter?"

"Yeah, I have a daughter. And I don't like you the way you seem to like me. So you can meet Jimmy and be around him, but I am not going to get together with you. Especially since you knocked me up and just walked away."

Declan followed Amanda into her apartment and stood near the sofa as Amanda squatted down next to Jimmy and caressed his curls. 

"Jimmy, I have someone you need to meet. Can we put your toys away for a bit?" Amanda asked, and Jimmy sat his truck down, before tossing it to the side so Jenna wouldn't grab it and shove it into her mouth.

"Who is it?" Jimmy asked, as he looked up at his mother.

"It's your father." Amanda breathed.

"My Daddy?" Jimmy questioned, and Amanda nodded.

"Yeah, your Daddy is here and he really wants to meet you. Do you want to meet him too?" 

"Yeah!" Jimmy exclaimed. Amanda stood and lifted Jenna up, before leading her son over to Declan.

"Daddy?" Jimmy questioned, as he titled his head to the side before looking up at his father.

"Yeah, I'm your Daddy... it's so nice to finally meet you. You look so much like your Mama."


Declan stayed the rest of the day and helped Amanda with the kids. He laid Jimmy down for the night, before going out and helping Amanda pick up the toys from the floor.

"So, is your new boyfriend Jenna's father?" Declan asked, as Amanda picked up a hand full of Cheerios, before moving towards the kitchen to throw them away.

"What?" Amanda asked.

"Jenna's father? Is he your boyfriend?" Declan asked. Amanda sighed before shaking her head.

"No. Dominick isn't Jenna's father. And he isn't even my boyfriend... yet." Amanda replied.

"So, who is?" Declan sighed, as he leaned against the counter and watched Amanda as she went about her usual night time chores.

"Elliot." Amanda breathed.


"Elliot Stabler is Jenna's father."

"You slept with a married-" Declan started, and Amanda shook her head as she quickly turned and looked at him.

"You knocked me up and left me. You ignored my calls and texts when I started to get sick while pregnant with our kid. You didn't contact me when I sent you pictures of our son after he was born. I know that you weren't undercover all that time, because your supervisor told me. So yeah, I slept with Olivia's husband... but we have gotten past that. So don't come here and act like you are perfect. Because you aren't."

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