{ Chapter Twenty-Five }

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Amanda didn't file for a divorce, but she did request a legal separation until something could be agreed upon. Dominick went to stay with his younger sister so that Amanda and the kids could be comfortable in their own home. Before they could decide to get a divorce or not, they needed to go to therapy. It was part of their separation agreement, and it was Dominick's idea. He didn't like the idea of getting a divorce from Amanda, and he was ready to fight for her.

"How are the kids?" Dominick asked as he and his wife ate dinner together before heading to their session.

"They miss you. I'm taking on a long shift this weekend, so maybe you could come over and take care of them?"

"Of course! I miss them too." Dominick smiled before he took a drink from his beer.

"How are your sisters?" Amanda questioned awkwardly. The Carisi girls didn't really like her, and Amanda didn't blame them. 

"They are okay, and thankfully they are keeping their mouths closed about our current situation."

"How much longer are we going to keep this going?" Amanda asked, as she played with her dinner. She wasn't hungry and rarely was on the day of their therapy session.

"What do you mean?" Dominick asked softly.

"How much longer can we pretend to be on good terms? Because I think that if we just get a divorce, we could be friends. We don't have anything connecting us, so you could have a clean start." Amanda mumbled.

"I don't want to get a divorce. I want to be with you." Dominick smiled, but it wasn't convincing Amanda. She was still so sure that they were done, but she didn't know if Dominick was even close to being on the same page as her.

"Like I feel like going to couples therapy is helping a bit, but it's not going to fix the problems we have. Or make you change your mind. So it's just a waste of money at this point." Amanda frowned. She reached out to grab her water, but Dominick intercepted her hand and intertwined their fingers together.

"Do you want to skip tonight? The kids are with Olivia and Elliot, so the house is empty. Maybe we could-"

"I'm sorry, but I'm done with this. I can't fake this any longer. You will never change your mind about me or having kids, so I'm going home." Amanda frowned. 

Dominick watched as his wife walked out of the restaurant, and he was thinking that this was the official end to their marriage.


Amanda was shutting everything off for the night, when her doorbell was rung. She turned on the lamp beside the couch before walking to the door. She opened it hesitantly before sighing when she saw her husband.

"Dom, it's late and you aren't supposed to be here." Amanda whispered.

"I don't want to break up. I want us to stay together and grow old together as we have planned for the last few years. I'd like to wake up next to you for the rest of my life, and I hope you still feel the same. Maybe not as intensely as me, but is that spark still there?" Dominick asked.

"What we planned... it doesn't work anymore. Neither of us expected for this to happen, but it did. We just need to accept it. So please, go home. I want to get some sleep." Amanda frowned.

"Give me one night, Amanda. And if you don't feel confident after tonight, then you can file. Okay?" Dominick asked.

Amanda looked at him nervously before shrugging.

"I don't think that would be a good idea, Dom. So-"

"Please! I love you!" Dominick exclaimed as he started to cry.

Amanda didn't say a thing as she hesitantly pulled her husband into the house. She locked the front door before turning and looking as Dominick continued to cry.

"One night, but then I'm done. We can just let our marriage run its course, and then you can find someone else. A girl who you aren't scared to be with."


They spent one night sleeping together, which was something they hadn't done in months. But once that night was over with, Dominick kissed his wife before packing up the rest of his stuff and leaving. They were done, and it broke both of their hearts. But there was nothing else that they could do. They weren't good for each other anymore, and it was incredibly clear to them both.

Their breakup was simple but painful. Dominick got transferred back to Staten Island's precinct, while Amanda just kept doing what she had been doing for months.

"A girls' night is exactly what we needed." Olivia smiled as she and Amanda sat together in Amanda's living room.

"Yup." Amanda replied.

"Are you okay? You haven't touched your wine." Olivia frowned as she pointed towards Amanda's untouched glass.

"I just haven't been feeling well."

"Like, mentally unwell or physically?"

"I'm depressed, Liv. I'm not going to tiptoe around that. I'm depressed and I hate that not only did I lose my husband but also one of my best friends. I think that because I'm so upset, I just really haven't been taking care of myself and that's why I'm not feeling good."

"Are you eating well? Because I can start making you dinner and bring it over for you and the kids. I wouldn't mind doing that." Olivia spoke quickly.

"Liv, you are already busy enough as it is. The kids eat well, so I'm not too worried." Amanda yawned. She ran her hands over her face before grabbing her glass and passing it to Olivia.

"Are you sure that you-"

"Dominick and I had sex." Amanda blurted.

"Excuse me? When?!" 

"The night we broke up for good, and that is really fucking with me."

"Was it protected?!" Olivia exclaimed.

"Huh?" Amanda replied.

"Amanda Rollins, was the sex protected?!"

"I don't remember! Why are you yelling at me?!" Amanda whimpered as tears started to well in her eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to troubleshoot why you might not be feeling well! And did you ever take a test?"

"What test?" Amanda whispered.

"Honey, you have two kids. You know what test I'm talking about."

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