First Scene

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Shooting for Spider-Man: Far From Home was on it's second week in. The former cast mates had caught up with each other, and the new cast mates were being introduced. Tom was excited, especially for today. Today was the day he would shoot his first scene with Jake Gyllenhaal.

He'd always admired the way the older man portrays a character. Not to mention a bunch of his movies were iconic. Jake's acting skills were unreal, and Tom was ecstatic he was finally getting to work with him.

"Alright, we'll be starting in 5!" The director of the movie yelled.

Tom never got nervous when shooting a scene, it's just in his nature. Alas, this time around was different. He was getting to work with an incredible talent and didn't want to look unprofessional. To say the least, he was stressed to the max.

"You ready kiddo?" Tom looked up from his scrip and into Jake's piercing blue eyes. He was starstruck. He'd never realized how intimidating someone's irises could be until he was face to face with Jake.

"I- uh, Yeah!" He stuttered. "And I'm not a kid by the way, I'm 23." He tried to joke, but it sounded serious.

"Please, don't get me started. You're barely old enough to drink." Jake chuckled.

"I've been able to drink for five years now. Do you live under a rock or something?"

Just as Jake was about to reply to his snide remark, the director was ready to start shooting their scenes.


Filming went decently. It took around four hours to shoot everything that was scheduled for today, but it definitely could've gone better. Nothing's more pressuring then trying not to break character, especially when working with someone who's more experienced.

"And that's a wrap! Good work guys, see you bright and early tomorrow morning." The director chirped.

As everyone started packing up their gear, Tom started to make his way over to his trailer. On his way, he bumped into Zendaya. "Z!" He said surprised. "I didn't know you had any scenes today?"

"Well I don't. I forgot my computer in my trailer and was coming back to get it." She gestured towards the laptop under her arm. "How did filming with Jake go?"

Tom scratched the back of his head. "Honestly, kind of terrible." He chuckled. "I don't know how you do it. Working with a well known actor is nerve wracking."

Zendaya gave him a friendly side hug and reassured him that everything would be okay, it just takes time. With that, she left the set. Tom continued to walk to his trailer, and was once again haulted by a cast member. This time, it being Jake.

"You seriously killed your scenes today. Truly amazing." He then did a chef's kiss gesture.

"Thanks mate. You did too."

"I know." He replied.

"Man, you sure are cocky aren't you?"

"Nah, I'm not. Just really funny." He leaned on the side of his trailer. "I know all the other cast members pretty well, but you... I don't know a single thing about you." He rubbed his chin. "Cept for the fact that you're from London. How would you like to come over and hang out for the rest of the night?"

Tom fidgeted his thumbs anxiously. "One, I'm from the U.K., and two, I'll take you up on that offer."

"My bad kid." His hands went up in the air out of defense. "Be there around 7:30."

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