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A few weeks passed, and filming was going well. Everything was seemingly fine, but Jake was being eaten alive by guilt. He never did tell Tom about "cheating" on him.

Not that it was really cheating, because to Jake, him and Tom really were on a break. Still, he felt like he was hiding something from him. So after shooting was over for the day, he asked Tom to spend the night at his place again. To clear things up.

"Sure baby." Tom's mouth pinned shut. He realized that he was still on set. "Shit." He said looking around.

"You're so cute when you get anxious." Jake smiled. He reached for, and held his hand for a brief moment before Tom pulled away.

Tom rolled his eyes, a simper on his lips.


"How's therapy?"

"Good." Tom replied.

Jake sighed. Tom never opened up to him about his therapy sessions. "That's good." He smiled.

Tom rolled over on the bed. He sat up, looking into Jake's eyes. He glanced at his lips, and quickly kissed them. He was obviously horny and had a huge bulge in his pants to prove it.

He moved himself onto Jake's lap and started to grind up against his shirt. He adjusted himself to where his legs were spread apart, knees on either side of his thighs. His hands held the sides of Jake's face.

As they made out, both of Jake's hands gradually made their way to Tom's ass. He gripped his cheeks tightly, causing Tom to roughly grind into him. He started to moan, and Jake knew he had to stop. He broke up their lips and rested his hands on the bed.

"I hate when you do that." Tom complained, still turned on.

"Babe, I have to tell you something." He looked down.

Tom started kissing him on the neck. "Tell me later." He began grinding his hips against his bulge again.

"No, Tom. This is important." He gently moved him off of his lap.

"Fine. What is it?" He asked annoyed, not even wanting to know the answer at this point.

Jake inhaled deeply. "Do you remember that night you got mad at me for making fun of your accent?"

"Yeah." He chuckled. "You must've called at least seventy times."

Jake looked down as the memories of that night came flooding back. The guilt was too much to bare. "Well when you didn't pick up, I got pissed, and decided to get drunk. Later that night I-" he took a deep breath, "I hooked up with someone. A girl I met at the bar."

Tom's expression changed from concerned to livid. He stood from the bed and turned to the window. "Jake, if your joking, this isn't funny." He turned his head to Jake who was still sitting on the bed, head down.

Jake looked up. "I'm not."

Tom's heart shattered. The ground beneath him seemed to move out from under his feet. Anger crowded his mind quickly as he rose his voice. "Why? You fucking cheated on me because I got mad at you? That's bullshit!" He slammed his fist into the nearby wall, and left a hole. When he pulled his hand out it was covered in dust and had blood running down his fingers.

Jake didn't know what to say, but it wasn't the right thing. He was shocked by Tom's sudden actions, and let the heat of the moment get to him. "I did not cheat! We were on a break!" He yelled back.

"Who the fuck ever said that?" His voice started to break, but his anger grew. "Do you know how much I've risked to be with you?"

Jake stood up and started to walk towards him. Tom backed away and turned towards the door.

"Don't fucking talk to me. We're done Jake!" He stormed out of the apartment, leaving Jake alone.

Jake was dazed. He just stood there and looked at the door, slightly bloody from Tom's hand. He then glanced at the hole in his wall, also having blood on it. He didn't even care that he was going to have to fix the hole. Jake in this moment, cared about nothing more than Tom. He sat onto the couch and looked up at the ceiling, tears forming.

Jake's Pov

I'm a fucking idiot. I didn't think Tom would be so upset about this. I just got him back, and now I'll never have him again. I wish I never got drunk that night.

"Do you know how much I've risked to be with you?" Like I haven't risked things too.

I've fucked up.

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