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Tom opened the shampoo bottle he had packed, and began scrunching it into his hair. The water was like a warm blanket wrapped around him. He washed his body next, looking at all the hickey's and bruises Jake had given him. One on his leg, one on his chest, another on his ass. They just seemed to be endless. Nothing makeup can't cover... hopefully.

When he got out of the shower, cold bumps appeared on his arms. The temperature on the plane felt like it dropped 32°. He got dressed, and was still cold. He walked back to his seat and opened the divider door. He closed it and then instantly wrapped his arms around Jake.

"Is it cold in here to you?" He asked, humming as the warmth from his body heated up his own.

"Not really."

Tom huffed. "Can I wear one of your sweatshirts? They always look warm."

"Yeah, hold on." Jake smiled, and pulled away. Tom shivered as he waited. He watched as Jake rummaged through his bags. He pulled out a dark red hoodie.

"Here." He said handing it to him. "I rarely wear this one, so nobody should be curious."

Tom grabbed it and pulled it over his body. "Thank you." He said sitting down in his seat. Jake nodded and carried on with what he was doing earlier.

"We will be landing soon. Please start gathering your personal belongings. Thank you for flying with us."

Jake sighed, sad that this time with Tom was almost over. Not only that, but on this flight, he got to relax, which is something he hasn't gotten to do in a long time. He wasn't ready for it to end. He glanced over at Tom, who was scrolling mindlessly through social media.

Tom was swooped from his seat, and was in Jake's arms in a matter of seconds. His back was pressed to the plane wall. They didn't say anything for a few seconds, they both just stared into each other's eyes and smiled.

"Best flight of my life." Jake said kissing him recklessly on his face.

Tom let out a fit of small laughs, and wrapped his arms around his neck. He tilted his head to the side, and kissed him. His soft lips on his made his senses go numb. He wanted nothing more than to stay like this.

The divider door slid open, and Jake put Tom down quickly. He leaned against the window, as Tom moved to his seat. It was Jacob.

"Hey guys, I wanted to let you know that the living arrangements for the next few weeks will be Harry, Jake, and Z in one room, and then Tom and I in the other." He nodded, seeming to approve of how they would be staying. "The director thought it would be best, for better chemistry on set."

"Cool with me." Jake said, slightly red. He looked at Tom who nodded. Jacob left and pulled their divider shut.

"How does that make sense?" Tom complained. "I have way more scenes with you than Z does. And Harry isn't even-" Jake interrupted him.

"Don't get worked up. I'd rather have the few scenes Z and I have together be as best as they can." He kissed his hand. "Besides, it's probably better we're split up, who knows what paparazzi is like here."

Tom huffed, knowing he was right.
The plane touched down ten minutes ago, as everyone was presently being escorted to their hotel rooms.

"No fucking way! An indoor pool? And a hot tub!" Jacob exclaimed. "This place is cool!"

Tom nodded in agreement. He watched as Z, Harry, and Jake went into their hotel room, bummed he couldn't be with his boyfriend.

"Tom? What are you looking at?" Jacob said trying to figure out his eyeline.

He didn't even realize he was staring. "Hmm? Oh- just day dreaming."

Jacob smiled and walked further down the hall into their hotel room. Their room was nice. It obviously exceeded Jacob's expectations due to the "ooo's and awe's" that came from his mouth. Tom just chuckled and starting unpacking his things.

Time began passing quickly. 5:30 p.m was now the hour. They had to start shooting scenes at 10:00. Giving them a few hours to get situated, and possibly relax.

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