Drinks & Trivia

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While Jake was taking an eternity to shower, Tom decided to see what everyone else was doing. He opened the divider door, and walked down the plane aisle. Zendaya was sleeping and Jacob was reading. Harry was looking out the window taking photos of what he could.

"What's up?" Harry said smiling.

"Just bored. Have you got any good pictures?" Tom said sitting down next to him.

"Yeah." He handed Tom his phone and let him swipe through the photos.

"This one's insane! The one with the sun rising over the clouds?" He turned the phone to Harry's sight. He nodded his head, agreeing.

Harry took his phone back and shoved it into his pocket. He slouched in his seat, and put his hands behind his head. He turned to his brother and leered. "You and Jake were "sleeping" for a while."

Tom punched him in the arm. "Shut up." He blushed. He could feel himself hardening as he remembered what him and Jake had just done.

Harry noticed and turned his head away, covering his eyes. "Do you not know how to control that thing?" He sneered.

Tom rolled his eyes and covered his boner. He sighed. "Are you okay with us?"

Harry stopped acting dramatic, and looked back at his brother. "Yeah man. I don't care who you're with."

Tom beamed with joy and patted Harry on the back. He was thankful he had a brother like him.

"But you guys might want to be more discreet. The waitress was talking to me and she seemed suspicious."

He nodded. He almost forgot that she'd seen them cuddling. He stood up and went back to his seat. He was bored out of his mind. He looked out the window, and then back at the clock. 9:22 a.m. This was going to be a long fucking trip. He laid down in the seats and stared at the roof of the plane. It was gold, with sliver lining. On it were hand carved images of clouds. Beautiful in every way.

The door to the divider opened. It was Jake, finally coming back from the shower. Tom sat up, giddy. "Congratulations! You just won the award for longest shower in history."

"Funny kid." Jake laughed a bit. He shut the divider and locked it. He pulled the seats together making a bed, and laid down next to Tom.

Tom rolled over and laid his arm across Jake's chest. He had on a black shirt, showing his muscles, and grey sweatpants. He also smelt good. Like an expensive cologne set. His hair was soft, and damp from the shower. Tom hardened.

Jake shifted in the semi-bed. He felt something poking his leg and reached down to move it away. He grabbed Tom's boner, and then glanced at his boyfriend. Who was now blushing. "You're hard, again?"

"You smell good." Tom whined, slightly embarrassed.

Jake rolled his eyes, and pulled him on top of him. They rubbed their noses together, giving Eskimo kisses. Which eventually turned into a full on make out session.

A knock came from the divider. This was really starting to get annoying. Jake sighed, and the two broke apart and fixed their seats. "You can come in now." He said, keeping his cool. He nonchalantly placed his hands over his boner, obvious through his grey sweatpants.

"Did you ever finish memorizing scene 76?" Zendaya asked, her eyes focused on Tom. She didn't question anything, thankfully.

"I- um, yeah. Why?" Tom stuttered. He was still trying to pull his thoughts together.

"That's the first scene we'll be shooting this evening." She glanced at Jake who was looking out the window. "I'm going back to sleep." She shut the divider.

Jake laughed once she was gone. "Smoothly done." He propped his legs on the seat across from him. "We should probably do something else. Making out for eight hours might get old."

"Wanna go to the bar?" Tom asked. Jake nodded. Since they didn't get to drink their beverages, the two were thirsty. It was probably best for them to leave their secluded space anyways, just so no one would be suspicious.

The bar was small, but nice. No one was working it, so Jake took it upon himself to serve their drinks. He watered down his and Tom's, best not to get drunk at almost 10 a.m. "Truth or Dare?" He said leaning over counter.

Tom sat in one of the bar stools. "Truth."

"First time you ever got drunk?"

He looked down and then looked back up, trying to remember. "Prom night. I threw up all over my date." He shuddered, remembering the embarssing night.

Jake started busting out laughing. "Shit. Now that's embarssing."

Tom kicked him, but couldn't resist to laugh with him. "Truth or dare."


Tom pondered for a moment. He looked around the plane trying to think. Then he remembered Harry, and how he let him go through his phone to look at the pictures he took. "I dare you to let me go through your phone." He devilishly smiled.

Jake sighed, and pulled his phone out of his pocket. Tom snatched it away, excited. His phone was filled with boring emails, and text messages. Interestingly, he came across his photo albums. His eyes widened. "Why do you have pictures of me sleeping?"

"Because you're cute."

He rolled his eyes and handed Jake his phone back, sad he didn't find anything scandalous.

"Truth or Dare." Jake asked.


Jake slightly stomped his foot. "You're no fun." He took a sip of his drink. "Why do you love me?"

"Well, u- um." He took a deep breath, calming his nerves, and fiddled with his hands. "You're an amazing actor, who also happens to be attractive. I always enjoy spending time with you. You understand what I'm going through." He looked away shyly. "And because you were my first."

Jake smiled, and his stomach did a flip. This man gave him butterflies like nobodies business.

Tom wanted to desperately change the conversation. "Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked.

"Sure but I'm choosing."

The two went back to their seats, and locked the divider.

About an hour into the film, Jake's mind started wandering. Was he really his first? There's no way. For someone as popular as him, he was sure to have had sex many times, right? Hell, before they got together he saw him hooking up with someone. He looked at Tom and almost asked him. His eyes were shut, and was quietly snoring. He would unfortunately have to ask him later.

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