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When Tom got to set the next day, he completely ignored Jake. He didn't give him the time of day. The only time he looked at or spoke to him was when they were shooting scenes. Even then, his energy came off cold.

Besides that, his makeup artist was pissed at him for cutting up his hand. "Oh my God! How did you do that?" She exclaimed when she first saw it.

"I was fooling around and smashed my hand into a glass table. No big deal." Tom lied.

"No big deal? Please! I'm going to have to use so much makeup to cover this up!"

That night Jake blew up Tom's phone. Nonstop. He read every text, and watched everytime the phone ringed. But never responded.

Day in and day out it was torture for the both of them. Tom so badly wanted to pick up his phone, and talk things out with Jake, but his dignity wouldn't let him. Why should he try to get back with someone who took him for granted?

This went on for two months. No contact with each other, except for work. It was pure hell.

Tom had another therapy session scheduled after filming today. His heart burned when he walked past Jake to get into his car. He kept his head down as he got into the driver's seat, but he could feel Jake's lonely stare. He pulled out of the parking lot, letting tears stain his face. He cried all the way to the therapy office. He felt no need to try and hide his emotions while by himself.

"So you love him?" Kelly asked.

"I don't know."

She raised her eyebrow. "Do you want to?"

"No." He said with a stern voice.


There was a silence in the room. A loud silence. The only thing that could be heard was the clock ticking and Kelly's pen writing.

"Because he hurts me." Tom looked out the window at the vast green hills of L.A. "And things are getting too serious." He fiddled with his thumbs.

"How long have you been dating?"

"We aren't."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to assume." She apologized.

"It's fine." He sighed. "We've been together for around six months." He started picking lint off his pants, looking anywhere but Kelly's eyes.

"Do you want a relationship? An official one?" She asked, peering over her glasses as she always does.


Kelly cleared her throat. She clicked her pen a few times, trying to decide what she wanted to say. "Tom, this might come off as rude, but what do you want? You don't want a relationship, and you don't want to love him. Sounds to me like you don't want to be with him at all?"

"I- no that's not what I want. I do want to be with him." He sighed. "But what we have feels like a "friends with benefits" type of thing. And that's definitely not what I want... anymore."

He shocked himself by making that statement. This is the first time he's truly admitted that the only reason he wanted to be with Jake was for the sex. You know, to try something new. But he's always known it's much more than that.

He should've known it was more than that when he looked into Jake's eyes, and his heart would do a flip. Or when their lips touched and he felt like he was floating on cloud nine. All the pieces were finally starting to fall into place.

"Make it official between yourselves then."

"I- I'm not ready to go public. I'd have to tell my family first and I can't. Not right now."

"So wait. Don't do what your not ready for." Kelly smiled.

The clock stroke 12:00 and the session was over. On his way out the door he turned to his therapist who was still in her chair taking notes.


"Mhm?" She looked up from her notebook.

"I, um, I do love him." Tom said with his head down. He needed to admit it to her, no need in lying about this subject anymore. Kelly didn't get a chance to respond, because he quickly closed the door.

But from behind it, she smiled.

GyllenHolland: Far From HomeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin