Hang Out pt. 2

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Tom's alarm woke him up. He hated hearing that noise anymore. He groaned, and hit the stop button on his phone. He sat up, and pressed his back against Jake's headboard. He ran his fingers through his hair, sweeping it back. He glanced over at Jake, who was snoring loudly in the recliner.

He softly smiled. Jake was really cute when— he shook his head. Why was he thinking like this? They are nothing more than two actors getting to work together. As much as he tried to fight off his loose thoughts, he began to scan his body.

Jake was shirtless, wearing gray sweatpants. His biceps and abs seemed to flex as the morning sun hit him. His black hair was a ruffled mess, and his lips were a light pink. He continued to rake over his body, his eyes coming to a halt when he reached his torso. Jake sure did have a huge di—

Jake's alarm went off, interrupting his lewd thoughts. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. He yawned, and looked over at Tom who had his head down, his cheeks intensely red. "Tom? You alright bud?"

He peered up, meeting his enchanting blue eyes. He fumbled his hands, trying to come to his senses. "Yeah. I just, had a moment." He chuckled in embarrassment.

"Good. But we need to be on set in thirty minutes. So get your lazy ass up."

"Okay mum." He replied playfully.


"Did you really have to hit me that hard mate? You were literally told not to do that." Tom said while massaging his shoulder.

"Well it was either that, or you having to fake it. And your reaction was perfect for the scene, so it worked out."

"Yeah for you." He leaned back against the green screen wall. "I'm just glad the days over, and that tomorrow's the weekend."

"Yup. Finally a chance to relax." Jake replied. "Are you still up for hanging out tonight though?"

Tom pondered for a minute. He was kind of hoping he'd forget. He knew that he would catch feelings all over again, but he didn't want to say no. As far as he knew, Jake was only trying to be friendly.

"Of course man, what were you thinking about doing?" He finally replied.

"There's this new bar down town, wanna hit it?"

"I'm down."

The bar was fancy, but not too fancy. It had a rustic look to it, giving the place life. Tom and Jake chose to sit in a booth, for obvious privacy reasons. A waiter got their autographs, and ended up bringing them two shots of Spirytus Rektyfikowany. This was Jake's favorite kind of alcohol, and he wanted Tom to try it.

"Aww, is kiddo going to have his first shot?" Jake said jokingly.

"I'm literally 23. I've had shots before." Irritated, Tom chugged the whole drink in one go. His face scrunched up, but then relaxed once the aftertaste hit. "That shits gross mate."

"Yeah it hits quick so I wouldn't take more than one shot, unless your planning on getting hammered." Jake advised. He quickly chugged his down and didn't even make a face.

Tom was actually very keen on the idea of getting drunk. He hated having butterflies all the time now when Jake was near him. He knew it wasn't smart, but tonight he just wanted to get plastered. It's not the best solution, but he needed something to ease his mind.

He politely called over the waiter and asked for two more rounds. He downed both of them, and the room started spinning. Jake really wasn't kidding when he said it hits fast.

Jake finished his few shots that he ordered too, but became concerned when Tom couldn't even talk to him without slurring his words. He called the night off and paid the tab.

Tom was pissed. Even though the room was spinning and he could barely hold his eyes open, he wanted to drink some more. But it didn't matter, three shots, and he was gone. So anything that came out of his mouth, Jake didn't take seriously.

"Three drinks and your almost blacked out. Nice kid." He laughed. "I'll drive you back to your apartment."

"N-uh, no. I-er I'm fine." Tom said, slurring his words.

"Good thing is this alcohol only takes about an hour to wear off. You should be sober soon."

Jake drove Tom back to his apartment and helped him walk up to his room. He laid him down on the bed, locked the door— so he wouldn't do anything stupid— and left.

Jake was sitting on his couch, at his apartment, when he heard his text messages go off. Being Tom.

"Hey Jakey."

Funny, Tom never calls him nicknames. Jake looked at the time, it'd been well past an hour since they'd drank, so he assumed the alcohol had worn off by now.

"Hey kid. How's your hangover?"

"Can we trade?"

"Are you still drunk?"

"No, can we? Please."

Obviously Tom was lying, but he was also drunk, so the whole situation was very skeptical. Jake had never texted him while he was drunk, so from the looks of his perfect sentences, with no slurring, he honestly thought he was sober. It felt wrong, but he was giddy at the thought of getting to see him.

" I mean if your up for it I am."

"I'm up for it."

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Jake's Pov

When Tom asked me to trade, I knew he was drunk. But what kind of drunk person texts in perfect sentences and understands exactly what you're saying? Plus, it'd been over an hour since he drank. So I let it go. He seemed sober, and I didn't want to piss him off again.

If I'm being completely honest, maybe I didn't think he was drunk because of my own selfish wants. I've known Tom for a few years now, and I've always thought he was attractive. I just never acted on it because we weren't close in anyway.

I feel so guilty, like I've taken advantage of his innocence. One, because I don't know if he was sober or not. Two, because he's straight. And three, because I'm 39 and he's 23. That's a 16 year age difference. I've hit rock bottom and I do not like it.

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