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Jake's Pov

Shooting for this new movie has made me miss Tom like hell. What's worse is we don't even talk the way we used to about three weeks ago. Our conversations are really dry, and it hurts. I miss the way we used to call and laugh about the stupidest shit. I miss the way things used to be. Maybe this will make us stronger. Or I could be completely wrong and all feelings for each other are gone.

This was my last week of shooting for now, so I'm flying back to the set of Spider-Man today. Honestly, I'm happy that this was the last week of filming. I don't know how much more I could take of girls hitting on me.

I mean, it's not like we did anything. Well, except for that one night when Tom got mad at me and wouldn't answer back, so I decided to get shit face drunk and ended up fucking some girl I met at the bar. But, we are sort of on a break right now. I don't know, I'm just excited to see him again.

I got off my flight, my phone finally having service. I turned my phone on, and Tom had texted me, nonstop. Asking where I was, and when I would be here. It made me smile.

"Are you at your apartment?"

"Yeah, almost."

"Do you want to come over here instead? My friends are out of town for the day."

"Sure kid."

I hopped into the taxi that would be driving me to his place. I gave the man Tom's address, and off we were. I laid my head in my hands, a million thoughts running through my mind. Work, the guilt of hooking up with someone else, and finally getting to hold Tom again.

When I walked into his apartment I didn't see him anywhere. The place was quiet, and the only light that could be seen was coming from his bedroom window. I heard the shower running so I went into the bathroom. The curtain was closed, so I couldn't see anything.

"Babe?" No response. "I'm here." Still nothing. My curiosity got the best of me. I walked over to the curtain. I pulled it back and saw Tom leaning against the shower wall. His eyes were closed, and skin was pale. "Tom!"

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