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Sunday morning came around, and Tom's legs had almost healed. The only thing he really needed to be careful with was his ankle. As long as he didn't walk the wrong way on it, he was fine. Otherwise, he'd be on the floor within seconds.

Jake had stayed up all night handling phone calls, and worrying about Tom. The moment he would get a break, he'd be texting him, asking how he was feeling. He felt bad. Tom said he was done exercising, but Jake still pushed him.

Tom had to handle the heat of his agent, and the director, due to his injury. He basically sat in bed, hurting, while he was fussed at for being careless. Definitely not the way he wanted to spend his weekend either.

What's even worse is Jake couldn't comfort him while this was going on. They couldn't risk being together all the time as they were staying here, and it sucked. The two could not wait to finish shooting and leave this place.

Z and Jacob decided to go get burgers at the well reviewed deli downtown this morning. After they had their meals, and sat down at the outside dining area, Z brought up the Tom and Jake situation again.

"Do you think Tom and Jake have been spending alot of time together?" She said taking a sip from her water.

Jacob shook his head, mouth full. "I haven't really noticed."

"Think about it. They hung out all the time before we flew here. They sat on the plane together, and they seem to be basically attached at the hip."

Jacob stopped chewing. "Now that I think about it..." He swallowed his last bit of food in his mouth. "Jake was coming out of our room yesterday. But Tom didn't act like anything was going on. He was more interested in his twisted ankle."

"Maybe we should ask them? Confront them about it." Z said.

"I- I don't know. This doesn't seem like any of our business." Jacob replied, not wanting to pry in their personal lives.

"Oh come on. It's just Jake and Tom."
Later that night, while everyone was hanging out in Tom and Jacob's room, Z popped the question. "I'm just going to say it. Are you guys seeing each other?" She looked at the two, eyes darting back and forth.

Jacob punched her in the arm. "Z." He whispered.

"What? I'm curious." She smiled.

Tom and Jake shot each other a "what do we say" look. Tom glared at Harry who was acting like he had no idea what was going on. "What did you tell them?" He hissed.

"Me? I didn't tell them shit."

Jake stood up off the couch. "Tom, I need to talk to you outside."

Tom looked at him, dumbfounded, but felt himself walking outside towards him. His legs were still aching, but his nerves cancelled it out. The patio door shut, and no words were said for a few, bitter seconds.

"What do we do?" Tom asked, breathing shakily.

"Tell them. At this point it's obvious."

His nostrils started flaring, and his hands started trembling. "Okay, but what if they- I'm just s- so scared. This could ruin our careers."

Jake grabbed his shaky hand. "Hey, it's just Z and Jacob. Not the whole world." They smiled at each other, nervous for what's about to come.

From inside the hotel room Jacob and Z were freaking out. "Why the hell would you ask them that Z?" Jacob snapped, worried that she overstepped boundaries.

"I don't know! I didn't think they'd take it this seriously!" Harry watched as she paced back and forth between the beds.

Suddenly, time stopped and everyone froze as the patio door opened. Jake and Tom stepped inside.
"So how'd you figure it out?" Jake said smiling.

A wave of relief washed over the three. "You guys aren't very low-key about it." She said laughing to herself. "And for what it's worth, I'm sorry for prying."

"Ah, don't be. It's all good."

Tom who was looking at the floor, and blushing a dark pink, finally looked up and said something.
"Please, don't say anything to anyone. W- we aren't ready yet." His voice trembled.

Z walked over to him, and gave him a warm, friendly hug."My lips are zipped."

Soon Jacob was hugging him too."What are we talking about again?" He said winking. Tom smiled at his childish ways.

Harry sat down on the bed. "Told you I didn't tell them shit."

The rest of Sunday night was spent playing board games and watching old cartoons. Everyone went back to their room, one by one. Z first, Harry second, and Jake last.

Jake had been attached to Tom's hip all night, now that the secret was out. It was odd not having to hide their relationship anymore, but neither one was complaining.

"See you in the morning baby." Jake said. He gave him a goodbye kiss and turned away.

Tom watched as he strolled down the hall. He leaned his head on the door frame, already missing his presence. He shut the door and pressed his back against it. He looked up at the ceiling and smiled to himself. He felt like a high schooler again.

"How cute are you guys." Jacob coo'd.

Tom snapped from his thoughts, and looked down at the floor. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks." He giggled.

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