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Shooting scenes on Monday went surprisingly well, but there was still an obvious elephant in the room between Tom and Jake. It became apparent when during one moment of filming, Jake was on the ground and Tom was towering over him and had to lean in. The two couldn't even look each other in the eyes. What's worse is Tom lost his balance, and face planted into Jake's chest. His face heated, shamefully enjoying the way his body felt on his.

"You alright?" Jake laughed.

"Yeah." Tom dryly replied. He stood up, and turned his head away, trying to control the prominent pink color from blossoming on his cheeks.

"Alright guys, I think after that fall we're done for the day." The director said.

Tom quickly started to walk away from set, but Jake grabbed his arm. "What are you doing?" He asked as he pulled his arm away.

"Wait. I wanted to talk to you."


"You know what about."

Tom started to walk off again but Jake caught up with him. "Can we please try and not make a scene?" He whispered.

"Fine. We can talk in my trailer." He huffed.

They both casually walked to his trailer and once inside, Tom started rambling. He had so much weighing him down, and needed to let it go. "I'm sorry I've been a complete dickhead to you. I just have a lot happening in my life right now and it's hard to handle." He let a few tears stroll down his face.

Jake was completely taken aback. Tom seemed so strong and confident on the outside, but on the inside, he was fragile—even if he didn't want to admit it. "Kid, it's fine. You just pissed me off when you didn't respond back to me. I really like y- uh, being friends with you. I mean you're incredible."

"Thanks, but I overstepped my boundaries with the sexting thing."

"You shouldn't be the one apologizing, I'm the one who kissed you." He chuckled.

"So are we cool now?" Tom asked.

"Yeah." Jake opened his arms gesturing for Tom to hug him.

Tom slowly walked towards him, and wrapped his arms around his torso. He caught himself looking into his eyes, and before Jake knew it, Tom leaned into kiss him. The moment felt strange, but right. It was foreign to both of the actors, but their lips were happy nonetheless.

Tom stopped himself and pulled away. "I'm not gay."

"I never said you were?" Jake joked.

"I'm being serious dude. I've never felt this way towards any guy before. I'm not gay, I just... really like you."

Jake blushed a little bit. Did Tom just admit that he liked him? He thought he was living in a fever dream for a second. "I like you too." He smiled. "And I won't call you that or anything."

"Can I hang at your place tonight?" He nervously asked while looking down, wiping the tears that stained his cheeks.

"Sure kid."

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