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By the time Sunday arrived, Jake was on the verge of insanity. He tried calling Tom at least twenty times, with about thirty-five text messages.

"Idk what you're talking abt. Nothing happened last night."

What the hell is that supposed to mean? It surprised him to think Tom could be so cold. He was such a nice spirit. It was out of the ordinary for him to act like this.

Everytime he would call him, Tom would just decline. And that's what hurt the most, the fact that he saw he was calling but didn't care. But why should Jake care? It's not like him and Tom are in a relationship or anything. They're just friends, that's all. But what kind of friends sext with each other? And he couldn't deny this growing feeling of admiration in his chest.

He had no idea what'd come over Tom, but he couldn't stand it. One thing is for sure, sitting in his room wallowing in sorrow wasn't going to fix it. So, he took it upon himself to drive over to his apartment. In hindsight, that was probably a bad idea.

When he arrived, he noticed Tom's bedroom door was slightly cracked open. He pushed it open all the way, and his mouth dropped. Tom was on the bed, heavily kissing a dirty blonde girl. His pants were slightly pulled down, and his hands were trailing the girl's sides.

"Tom!" He yelled. He didn't mean to come off so rude, but he was beyond infuriated at this point.

Tom snapped his head around, finally seeing Jake was standing in the doorway. "Fuck." He said underneath his breath. He looked to the girl he was trying to hook up with. "Um, sorry Nadia. Maybe we can do this later?"

She huffed and rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She quickly put on her clothes, covering herself from Jake's wandering eyes. "Perv." She whispered as she walked by him.

Jake shook it off and angrily walked over to Tom. He was so pissed he couldn't think straight. "So this is what you've been doing? I've been worrying my ass off about you all weekend and your sitting in here fucking around! You could have at least texted me back!"

Tom pulled up his pants and stood. "Why the fuck does it concern you? Why are you so interested in me?"

"Because your my friend. And i-"

"And you what Jake?" Tom yelled, utterly frustrated.

Jake didn't know what else to say. A whirlwind of thoughts rushed through his head. Fuck it. He kissed him. Lips to lips. He expected him to pull away, but the angry kiss turned into a intense make out.

Tom balled up his fists, pissed that this was happening. But he didn't pull away. He let their lips run over each other. His thoughts clouded any sanity he had in this moment. He was more focused on how Jake's breath tasted like mint, and how plump his lips were. His soft beard rubbed up against his smooth skin, and he liked it.

He opened his eyes, and finally regained rationality. He pulled back and kneed Jake in the balls. He fell to the floor in pain. "Get the fuck out!" He yelled with tears in his eyes.

Jake shakily stood up. He wanted to talk to him about what happened, but he could see the tears forming in his eyes. He did as he asked, and left his apartment.

On his way back to his place, Jake couldn't help but wonder why Tom didn't pull back in the first place. They kissed for a few a lengthy amount of time, and he seemed to enjoyed it. He truly didn't understand anything about the kid.

Tom's Pov

Why did he have to kiss me? Why couldn't we have just talked it out? I don't know why I kissed him for that long, it's not like I liked it. Even if I did, it wouldn't matter because I'm not into men.

I hate to admit it but kissing him... Felt right. I didn't want it, but I'm sort of glad it happened. What am I saying? I hate that he did that to me. He's fucking toying with me. And what's worse is I have to shoot scenes with him tomorrow. I don't know how I'll be able to look at him without wanting to punch him in the face.

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