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The sun was shining through Tom's window, hitting him directly in the face. The birds were chirping, loud as could be, and his alarm clock topped it all off. 6:30 a.m. read the time. Too early for a ten hour flight.

Even though the universe was fully against him sleeping in any longer, he tried to rest some more. But he was woke up by Jake calling him. "Bloody hell." He groaned. He answered Jake's call. He yawned into the phone, and sat up.

"Morning babe." Jake said.

"Hmph." He was not a morning person to say the least.

During their phone call he decided to inform Jake about Harry figuring out they were together.

"So he listened to us having sex?" Jake asked, mind vaguely blown. He didn't like the thought of someone knowing about them. He wasn't ready yet.

"Yeah, pretty much." Tom answered as he tried to put pants on. He held his phone in place with his ear and shoulder.

Jake chuckled in embarrassment. "Alright. See you on the plane babe."



"Passengers please take your seats. Every two hours flight attendants will take orders for food. We should have touch down at 5:00 p.m. Enjoy the flight."

The private plane was incredible. Gold railings lined the plane walls, and a lounge area was smack dab in the middle for everyone to enjoy. It contained a mini fridge filled with snacks, and even an alcohol bar. Not to mention the dividers for privacy, a nice view, and also an overhead area to sleep in.

Jake took the window seat, and Tom sat next to him. Everyone else sat a couple of rows away from them, which made them both happy. Tom went ahead and pulled up their divider for privacy.

"Don't you think Z and Jacob will be suspicious that we're sitting together? I mean Harry already knows. Maybe-"

"Stop worrying. We'll be fine." Tom smiled, and kissed him.

The plane took lift off, causing their lips to break apart. As they lifted into the air the plane shook, trying to reach altitude. When everything stabilized, Tom unbuckled his seat belt. He lifted up the arm rest of his chair, and snuggled into the pit of Jake's arm.

Jake snaked his arm around his shoulder, pulling their bodies closer together. He was going to start a conversation with him but saw the fatigue in his eyes as he drifted into sleep. He chuckled, and then looked out the window.

The scenery was breathtaking. The sun was just beginning to rise over the perfect white clouds, and the blue sky was alluring. Truly a sight to see. He fell asleep with his head on the glass, softly snoring.
Two hours later, the door to the divider slid open. The gesture of knocking must've completely left the flight attendants brain, as she stepped in their area, ready to take their orders.

Tom heard the door open, but wasn't quick enough to move positions. Jake was still sleeping, and had his arm tightly wrapped around him. The flight attendant turned her head to the side when she saw the sleeping position the two actors were in. She tried to ignore it, feeling it wasn't any of her business.

"Can I get you two anything? First order of the day." She smiled.

Tom sat up and fixed his hair, trying to play it cool. "Coffee with sugar, and t-tea." He stuttered.

She nodded her head, and closed the divider back.

Tom reached up and locked it this time. Jake was awake now, rubbing his eyes. "What was that about?" He removed his arm from around his shoulder.

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