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Two hours of shooting went by surprisingly fast, but it had been one long day. The cast was worn out, and the only thing Tom wanted to do was fall asleep in Jake's arms. He knew that wouldn't be possible, not with the circumstances surrounding them.

Even though the ten hour flight made today worth it, a dark cloud formed in Tom's mind. How could he go four weeks without being able to hang with Jake outside of work? The paparazzi is nuts here, and if they were to go anywhere, or show any signs of affection, the cat would be out of the bag. He knew that it was going to be 5x harder having to hide their relationship.

Tom walked back to his trailer to take off his suit, and once he was inside, he broke down. He couldn't help it. He was tired, frustrated, and only wanted to be comforted by Jake. A knock came from the door, and he wiped his tears, unlocking the knob.

"Hey, Z, Jacob, and Harry want to go get ice cream and explore the city for a while. Do you-" Jake quit talking. He observed the redness around Tom's eyes. "Have you been crying?" He stepped inside the trailer and shut the door.

"I'm tired, that's all." Tom sniffled, wiping his remaining tears on his Spider-Man sleeves. "Shit." He said, realizing he was getting the suit dirty.

Jake just gave him a sympathetic look and hugged him. Tom's sobbing grew louder when his head landed on Jake's chest. He combed through the younger man's hair, softly humming a tune. He swayed them back and forth.

Minutes went by, and the two still stood in his trailer hugging. Tom finally gathered his thoughts and quieted down his sobs.

"Can you tell me what's wrong now?"Jake whispered sweetly.

Tom sighed, and reached down Jake's body, searching for his hand. He held it as he spoke.

"I just don't- how are we-" he let out a groan of frustration, " how are we going to do this for four weeks? I've gotten so used to being with you almost every night, and now we- "

Jake kissed him on the cheek, and picked him up off the ground. He gripped him tightly from underneath his thighs. Tom wrapped his arms below his shoulders, holding on tightly to the man he loved.

"We'll get through it. We've gotten through worse... haven't we?" Jake smiled and kissed him on the lips. They made out for a few moments, before he sat him back down on the ground.

"Instead of getting ice cream can we just go to your hotel room? And be together. At least until they get back?" Tom asked, his head laid upon Jake's chest again.

"Sure. No sex though." He chuckled. "Today kicked my ass."
The rest of the night was spent kissing, hugging, watching TV, and talking about random matters. The more time the duo spent together, the more love filled the air. Tom accidentally fell asleep, ruining the fun night, but happily cuddled up on Jake's waist.

Z, Harry, and Jacob had a good night as well. They explored the city, and fell in love with all the wonderful people there. It was a very heartwarming place, filled with joy.

Harry decided to call it quits for the night, and dialed an uber to pick him up. Z and Jacob still wanted to look at more things. He came back to the hotel room, and opened the door to find Tom and Jake sleeping in his bed.

Jake heard the door open and woke up. He offered to move once he recognized it was Harry.

"No, no it's fine. I know he's had a rough day, so it's best to just let him sleep for now." He kicked his feet up on the couch, and cleared his throat. "Why do you love him?"

Jake looked from Tom's chest rising and falling, to Harry's interrogative face. He stuttered. "W- what?"

"My brother, why do you love him?"

Jake looked him in the eyes when he answered. "How could I not? He's incredible, talented, and makes every second of my life better."

Harry smiled, but then took it back. "Don't hurt him. I know he's strong, but sometimes things get to him." He trailed off. "Who made the first move?"

Jake blushed a dark pink. "Well, uh... I did. And then he kneed me in the balls for it."

"Sounds like something he'd do." He laughed. "Right, well I'm going to lie down in your bed, I'm beat."

"Goodnight." Jake said, radiating happy energy. Harry just nodded his head and closed the window curtains. Afterwards, he climbed into bed and fell asleep.

Tom had woken up when Harry first came into the room. He heard every word of their conversation, and couldn't help but smile. He still had his eyes closed, but snuggled further into Jake's grasp.

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