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7 hours. Time seems to go slower while in the air. Every second felt like an eternity. Tom was woken up by the pressure of his bladder. He moved out of Jake's grip, and made his way to the bathroom.

When he opened the door, he was in awe. The bathroom was fancier than anything he's ever seen. The floor was so shiny that he could see his reflection. He couldn't admire it any longer, for he felt he was about to burst.

When he finished doing his business, he washed his hands, and looked in the mirror. He gasped. Fresh, visible hickey's were on the side of his neck and chin. He had nothing to hide them with, so he pulled the collar of his tee shirt up just in case.

"Attention passengers, we are going to be flying through a small storm, and might experience turbulence. Please take your seats, and stay buckled until further notice."

Tom swiftly walked back to his seat, sat next to Jake, and buckled in. He leaned forward to see the giant, dark cloud they would be passing through. The bright blue sky was almost pitch black now. He hates storms, has since he was a kid.

A boom of thunder shook the plane, and lightning lit up the sky. Tom's eyes widened, and his breathing turned uneasy. His hands started shaking.

Jake noticed, and rested his hand on top of his. He decided to try and get his mind off the storm. "Hey babe." Tom didn't respond. He was in a trance. He just stared ahead, not moving. "Tom?" Jake said, pushing him a little. Still nothing. He was gone, the storm had petrified him. Jake's heart started to beat out of his chest. He panicked, and slapped his leg.

Tom jumped, and looked at him. "Sorry. I just fucking hate storms." Jake squeezed his hand, and Tom nuzzled into his neck.

Since he couldn't stand to see Tom so scared like this, he thought it was a good moment to bring up his first time. "Was I really your first?" He asked, petting his head.

"What?" Tom questioned, playing with Jake's fingers.

"During truth or dare, you said I was your first." He felt Tom's skin warm up, he was blushing. "I didn't know you were a virgin."

Tom sighed. "Yeah. It's lame, I know."  Another boom of thunder shook the sky. He jerked closer into Jake, squeezing his eyes shut.

"It's not lame. It's cute." He kissed him on the head. "I'm happy I was your first time."

Tom managed to smile through his nervousness. "I am too."

A few more minutes went by and the sky finally lit up with sunlight. They had made it out of the storm. Tom was relieved when the ugly grey clouds had disappeared.

"Thank you for staying put. You are free to move around."

They both unbuckled, and Jake glanced at Tom, who was now scrolling through his phone. He took his phone away from him, and dangled it to where he couldn't reach it.

"You're such an ass, Jake." Tom cried as he tried grabbing it back. Jake just smiled and kissed him. He then put his phone down on the window seal, and lifted Tom up, hands holding his thighs. He sat down in his seat, with Tom still on his lap.

Tom's dick hardened and poked Jake in the stomach. Jake massaged his bulge, making him moan into their kiss. Just as he was about to slide his hand into his underwear, the door opened. They had forgotten to lock the divider.

"What part of "discreet" did you not understand?" Harry said looking away. Jake froze, but Tom had enough sense to get off of his lap and into his seat. He covered his boner.

"Fuck Harry. What do you want?" He snapped.

"I was just coming to check on you. I know how you get during storms."

"Thanks, but I'm fine. You can leave now."

He scoffed. He shook his head, and closed the door. Tom reached over and locked it. He turned to Jake who was bright red. "He's cool. Don't worry."

They continued to kiss for a brief moment. Tom rested his hand against the side of his face, touching his soft beard. He suddenly pulled back, and slouched into his seat.

Jake was irritated. "You're killing me babe."

Tom knew he was being a tease. He sat up straight. "I know." He grinned. "But we should probably run our lines, just to get it out of the way."

Jake sighed, and reluctantly nodded. He started digging through his bag for his script. Tom did the same.
The next hour was full of wild emotions. Anger, sadness, grievance, and lust. The lust was mostly on Jake's part. He was still horny and wanted to get back at Tom. Once they were done rehearsing, Jake pinned him to the floor between the seats.

Tom squirmed, trying to get free of his grip. It was no use. Which was impressive to him, not many people can pin him down. His dick hardened, for what seemed the thousandth time today. Jake felt it rubbing up against him.

"You're hard again." He smiled, looking at his bulge.

"Not many people can hold me down. It's hot." Jake leaned down to kiss him, but then stopped. He was teasing, just as he did.

"More." Tom whined, as he pulled Jake closer.

Just as he was about to give him what he wanted, his phone went off. He picked it up and groaned. "Later. I have phone calls to make." He moved off Tom, and started talking into the phone.

Tom sighed. He kissed Jake on the cheek, and left their area. He wanted to give him his privacy.

While walking around the plane, he realized how hungry he was. He hadn't eaten anything all day. He looked at the time 12:47 p.m. It'd be about thirteen minutes before orders were taken again.

He wasn't sure he could wait that long. He went to the flight attendants quarters and asked if they would serve him early. The nice girl agreed, even though it was breaking code.

He ordered a salad with tea, and devoured it within minutes. Unfortunately, eating while in the air didn't sit so well with him. He held his stomach tightly and ran to the bathroom. He vomited in the toilet, afterwards feeling light headed.

Tom carefully made his way back to his seat, and opened the divider to see Jake still talking on the phone. He groaned, and sat on the floor, laying his head up against Jake's leg.

"I'll call you back in a second." Jake said, cutting off the conversation. "What is it?" He said getting on the floor next to him.

"I got airsick after eating."

Jake pitied him, and then pulled the seats together to make a bed. He helped Tom, who was looking rather pale now, onto the bed. He then locked the door, and let Tom lay on his stomach.

Once he was sleeping, and he knew he was okay, he started calling people up again.

GyllenHolland: Far From HomeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang