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Jake sat on his couch, his head resting in his hands. He looked over at the bottles of liquor on his counter, but decided not to partake and turned his head away. He had gotten drunk almost every night for two months. Two months. It had been two months since Tom cut things off.

"We're done Jake." Those gut wrenching words never left his mind. They were on replay. He envisioned Tom smashing his hand into his wall, shuddering when he remembered the blood dripping off it.

Ever since that night, he hadn't spoken to Tom outside of work. Tom could barely stand to make eye contact with him when shooting scenes, much less hang out with him. Not a text. Not a call. Not even a genuine conversation. All sparks between the two were gone.

With everything going on in Jake's life, he should be over Tom by now. Or at least not thinking about him every five minutes. Over the past few weeks Jake has had to attend countless press conferences and has had to fly back to his movie set.

Unfortunately, he had fallen into a pit of depression and rage. He was pissed at himself. This whole situation was brought on by his doings. If he never made fun of Tom, he wouldn't have gotten mad, meaning Jake wouldn't have gotten dunk and hooked up with that girl.

He stood up, and went to take a shower. Hoping he could relax. He undressed, gazing at himself in the mirror. He ran his hands over the last few hickey marks that hadn't fainted yet. He reminisced about the way Tom's soft hands touched him. He teared up, eyes becoming hot and blurry.

He stepped into the shower, letting the water run over him. Taking showers always helped him. They pulled him from reality, and cleansed him of the day's stressful work.

After he'd cleaned his body, he turned the shower knob off. He dried himself off with a towel, and dressed himself. He walked back into his bedroom, planning to sleep. But when he turned on the light he saw a figure sitting on his bed. A figure with wavy brown hair, and brown eyes.

"Hi Jake."

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