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When Tom left, he didn't know where else to go except for his own apartment that he was renting with friends. He just wanted to be alone. Alone with his heartbreak, and thoughts that were killing him.

He walked into his room and slammed the door. Waking up Chase and Miles.

"Tom? You here?" Miles said from in the living room.

Tom answered, trying to choke back his tears. "Yeah."

"Cool. So you wanna go to the club tonight?" Chase sleepily asked.

Tom opened the first aid kit from underneath his sink, and wrapped his hand in a bandage. He took a deep breath, wiped his tears away, and came out of his room. "Fuck yeah mate."

"What happened to your hand dude?" Chase asked, while poking at his bandages.

Tom winced, shoving it behind his back. "Ah nothing, just hurt it on set."
The club was crazy. It smelt of alcohol and sweat. The flashing lights were enough to cause someone a seizure. Girls were hitting on Tom's friends left and right. He decided not to partake, still feeling pain.

"Why aren't you getting in on this man? Lighten up." Miles said. He threw back another shot and headed out onto the dance floor with a blonde girl.

Tom didn't want to think about girls at the moment. All he wanted was to forget about Jake for a few hours. He ordered four more rounds. He downed all of them questionably fast. He probably should've slowed down when chugging the alcohol, because he started feeling light headed and his vision became blurry.

A nice brunette girl walked up to him, and asked if he wanted to dance. He could barely make out her face, but he drunkenly nodded his head.

By the end of the night Tom was hammered, so hammered he couldn't speak clearly. The girl he met called for a taxi, and they both went back to her place.

When he found a bed to sit on, the girl advanced onto him. She sat on his lap and started to kiss him down his neck. He moaned, and his hands slowly started to travel up the back of her shirt. The girl was encouraged by this and slid her hand into his pants.

Everything happened so quickly, and alarms finally started going off in Tom's head. He couldn't go through with fucking her. In all fairness, it would make sense to get back at Jake. But even through his intoxicated mind, Tom knew that's not what he wanted. He wanted Jake. But how could he be with someone who hurt him?

Tom moved the girl off of him and stood up off the bed. "Sorry, I can't do this." And with that he called Chase to pick him up, and left.

While in Chase's car he stared out the window and watched as the rain poured down. The world was dull. The streets of L.A were flooded with water, and people covered themselves with umbrellas. The entire night sucked. And the earth reciprocated that thought.

His eyes started to well up with tears. He had the chance to get back at Jake, and assert himself again, but he didn't. He silently cried harder. He knew he couldn't go through with it because... He loved him.

Tom loved Jake and there was no denying it. He wished he could tell him, but he also didn't want to tell him. He did not want to love Jake. Jake was only supposed to be an actor he got to work with.

He fell asleep in the car, but woke up in his bed. Miles must've helped Chase carry him. He rolled over and checked the time. 4:32 a.m. He had to be on set in five hours, and had no idea how he was going to handle seeing Jake again. Or play off this massive hangover.

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