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The next day was a free day for the actors. Meaning, Tom could do whatever he wanted. He decided that he didn't want to be around Jake. He felt like things were moving too quickly between them, so he thought it'd be a good idea to spend the day apart. 

He didn't tell Jake the real reason he wanted to be alone, all he said was,"I want to catch up with my friends." And that was enough for Jake to be okay with.

When he came back from Jake's apartment, he was surprised to see Chase and Miles were sitting on the couch. Usually their lazy asses were sleeping.

"Hey Tommy boy!" Miles said.

"Hey fellas." Tom replied. "You got any plans today?"

"Well we were thinking about catching a movie. Want to tag along?" Chase interjected.

A big smile grew across Tom's face. "Sure!"
"That movie sucked." Chase whined.

"Really mate? I thought it was cool." Tom looked at Miles. "What did you think?"

He shrugged. "The girl was hot."

When they got back to the apartment, Tom crashed on the couch, not even caring that he was still fully dressed. He started to replay the events of the night in his head until he fell asleep.

"Are you Tom Holland?" A nice girl asked.

"Yes I am." Tom replied. He looked over at Jake who was glaring at the two of them.

"Can I get a picture with you?"

"Of course!" He took the picture and said goodbye to the sweet girl. When she was gone, and Jake was sure nobody else was around he grabbed Tom's arm and basically dragged him into the car.

"Babe, your hurting my arm." He whimpered.

"You're in so much trouble."

The drive back to Jake's apartment was eerily quiet, which scared Tom like hell. Once they were in the bed room, Jake shoved him down on the bed.

"Take off your shirt." He said while towering over him. Tom took it off, and a single tear fell down his cheek. Jake started roughly kissing on him and began to leave bruises.

"Jake please stop." Tom cried, eyes shut.

"I bet you just fuck around with everyone, slut." He then viciously removed Tom's pants and underwear. His hand strongly gripped his cock and started jerking him off.

"It was just a picture." He squirmed from Jake touching him too hard. "It's not like we were flirting."

Jake gave him a scornful look. He flipped Tom over into doggy position. "Bullshit." Jake aggressively removed his clothes, and threw them aside. He positioned himself behind Tom, and railed his huge dick into Tom's tight ass.

Tom moaned in pain, and tried to push Jake off of him. "Jake please."

Jake thrusted roughly in and out. "Is this what you wanted whore? Attention?" He whispered.

"N- no sir."

Tom woke up, with sweat running down the side of his face. His eyes were watery, and his pants had a slight bulge. He looked around and realized he was still in the apartment. It was just a dream. A fucked up dream.

There was no reason for him to be dreaming something this violent. Especially since it was about Jake. He knew Jake would never take advantage of him like that, but his subconscious was a raging monster.

Maybe he fantasized it because the two definitely have communication problems. It seemed like the only reason they were "together" was for the sex now. Nonetheless, the nightmare sent a chill down his spine.

"Will you stay with me again tonight?" Jake asked.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're very clingy?" Tom said while taking off his Spiderman suit. He laid it on the racks for the costume department to collect.

"Yeah well I have a press conference tomorrow, and I'm leaving in 2 days for that new movie. I won't see you for like 3 weeks."

"I know. I-I guess I can stay the night." He would've felt bad if he said no.

After the day was over, they went back to Jake's apartment. Jake turned on the light and laid down on his bed, while Tom went into the bathroom to shave and change his clothes.

He watched the way Tom's body swayed from side to side, and how cute his butt looked. He was growing hornier by the second. He got out of bed, and walked to the bathroom to see Tom with shaving cream on his face.

"Don't you look cute." He said as he wrapped his arms around his waist. Tom smiled and continued shaving.

Jake slowly moved his hand down his body, and into his briefs. He started to play with his dick, making him slightly moan.

Unfortunately, Tom was not in the mood. Shooting scenes today was taxing and he wasn't in the sex mindset. "Babe, I've had a really stressful day. I'm not in the mood."

"Come on, it'll be fun." He started kissing his neck, and made his way down to his ass. He slid off his bottoms, and started eating him out. He tried not to be too rough, because he knew Tom was probably still sore.

As Jake was going down on him, Tom grabbed the sides of the counter, as he felt himself getting closer. "You never listen to me." He muttered under his breath. Jake didn't hear him.

"Your ass is so hot baby." He said, giving it a slap.

Tom could feel that he was about to cum and started touching himself. He moaned as he came into the sink. Jake stood up, wiping his mouth. He wrapped his arms around his waist again. "Wasn't that fun?" He smiled.

Tom was pissed. At Jake and himself. He was angry at Jake for not listening to him, and he was mad at himself for actually liking it. He pulled up his pants and underwear, turning to Jake. "Why do you have to make everything so sexual?" He washed off his face and stormed out of the bathroom, leaving Jake baffled. He got into Jake's bed and rolled over. He quickly fell asleep, not even saying goodnight.

Late into the night, Tom started to dream about Jake taking advantage of him again. Sweat and tears rolled down his face, and his length started to get hard. "Stop. Please." He mumbled.

Jake, who's a light sleeper, heard him. He watched as Tom cried, not knowing what to do. He tried to shake him awake but he just started to cry harder. "Tom!" He yelled.

Tom's eyes flew open, and he sat up. He wiped the tears away, and covered his bulge.

"What's wrong? You were mumbling in your sleep..."

"Nothing, I'm fine."

Jake knew that he had already made him mad once, so he didn't want to push it any further. Tom sighed heavily, combing his hair back that stuck to his sweaty forehead. He laid back down, and wrapped his arms around Jake's waist. They sat in silence, not knowing what to say to each other.

Jake's Pov

When I heard Tom basically crying in his sleep, I knew something was wrong. But he wouldn't tell me. I can't help but feel like what he was thinking about had something to do with me.

"Why do you have to make everything so sexual?"

I don't make everything sexual. Do I? I can't help it if I do, I'm just horny like all the time. And he's too perfect not to want to fuc— I should stop. I knew this was a bad idea, being with him. Maybe it's a good thing we won't see each other for a few weeks.

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