Chapter 11

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Harry stood there not even knowing what to do. Like he could see that Niall his friend, roommate was crying in front of him, but Harry didn't know if he should either cuddle with him, or go run down the hall and call Zayn, Niall's boyfriend. Harry quickly thought of something on the spot and bended down next to Niall who was quietly sniffing and had his knees up against his chest and his head on top of his knees.

"Niall, what's wrong" Harry places his hand on Niall's back, rubbing it gently. Niall wasn't shock to hear Harry, he knew he was already here by hearing him and his boyfriend enter and saying there goodbye. Niall cried even more remembering how they said there goodbyes just minutes ago and how Zayn talked to Liam about Harry. Niall sat there not wanting to answer anything, because he didn't want to admit but he knew that he was angry at Harry.

"Leave me alone" Niall moved away from Harry but ended up bumping his side against their washroom counter because of the tiny space he choose to cry in.

"Niall I am not leaving until you tell me what's wrong" As much as Harry wanted to leave and give Niall as much as space he needs whether it would be for a week, Harry did not want to leave with out an answer.

"Harry....I am..............not in a talk right now" Niall muttered in between tears as he lifts his head up making Harry even more curios to why Niall was crying cause seeing that the blond lad in front of him and red puffed up eyes and his lips turned into a purplish, bluish colour.

"Niall, but, I want to know what happen so I could help you" Harry rubbed Niall's back again. "I want to know what happen-"

"Harry I said it once and I am not gonna say it again, I. Don't.Want.To.Talk.Right.Now, am I clear or do you want me to repeat it again?" Niall snapped at Harry. Harry just stared at Niall shocked, he never saw Niall so upset or mad at him or to anyone, ever.

"No you don't have to" Harry mumbled under his breath as he looked away from Niall.

"Good, now may you please close the door behind you when you leave?" Niall asked in a rude way witch made Harry even more eager to go for his second choice witch he knew would be better for both him and Niall.

Harry did as he was asked to and left the washroom and closed the door behind him. Once he was out of the washroom he heard more cries coming from the other side of the door. Harry thought to himself that he was such a bad friend. Like what happen in there just showed how bad of a friend he is. Harry didn't want to be a bad friend, he promised to himself before coming to collage to become a new person, a person everybody wants to be seen with, a person that everybody loves, and most importantly a person to become friends with. Harry was one of those people that would always be in the big left out of the group, or alone at spear. Harry was a very quiet boy when he was little, he only had one friend that would stick beside him all the time, though that didn't last because Harry ended up liking him and turning their friend ship out of hand. That was the day Harry figured out he was bi, Harry did liked a lot of girls in his past year, he did date a few girls, but never a dude. So when Harry would be around Louis, Liam and Jace he would always think to himself if they were actually friends or was it all just a game.

He left the dorm room and walked down the hall way and did what was he knew was right. He had to go to him. Even though he was the number one reason to make Harry upset for a long time, Harry knew it was right cause not only were they not friends but he did happen to be Niall's boyfriend and could help him out. As Harry walked down the hall and saw big brown wooden doors he stopped at a certain one.


When Harry closed the door, Zayn shoved his hands in his pockets and walked down to his dorm room. He couldn't stop thinking about him. They held hands!!! Zayn was very happy knowing that Harry wanted to do that as much as Zayn wanted to do it too. But the problem was Zayn didn't only want to hold hands he wanted to do more to him. Once Zayn took his keys out of his pockets and unlocked the door he was met with Liam laying on the bed throwing a ball in the air.

Taken /Zarry-AU-Completed/Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora