Chapter 16

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Zayn's POV

I knew that as soon as I left Niall's dorm the tall lad was in my head. I never knew that I would end up seeing him. I wanted to see him. But I didn't want to have a conversation with him. Because what if we ended up having fighting, cause he did take the other side. I obviously want to talk to him and to hear his raspy voice, but when I talk to him I want us to have decent conversation. And right now as I stand in front of him, my palms are all sweaty , my heart is about to explode and my thoughts are all directly towards him. Harry.

"Hi" He says.

"Hi" I repeat. This is gonna be an awkward conversation, I just know.

"So how are you?" He ask.

"Good" I say that because I ain't staying here explaining how I really feel right now talking to him after weeks.

"You?" I say, just trying to be polite.

"Good, good. So where's Niall?" I could tell he knows it's getting awkward as he scratches the back of his neck. It's a habit of his and obviously I would know.

Before I answer I just remembered what happen a minuet ago between me and Niall, who's still my boyfriend. And I just tried to break up with him because of the lad standing in front of me.

"Uhh aha yeah um he's inside" I repeat what he did, I scratch the back of my neck.

"Ohh, and Zayn" I nod.

"I'm sorry about what happen these past few weeks. Louis apologized to me, and i decided to forgive him. I just hate fighting with people and I figured, if I forgive him then maybe all you guys will be good again." Harry explained to me.

I honestly think that was a smart idea, and instead of me saying that I walk forward and give a kiss on his check. When I move back I could feel my checks getting hotter and I could see Harry's checks red. I quickly smile at him as he does the same, I then walk past him entering my dorm and shutting it behind me.

I take a pair of boxers out and my pjs out as I enter the shower. While I was in the shower all I could think about was him. I think about him all day long and I wonder, does he think about me all day too? Does he feel the same way when we're around each other? The problem with me is that I ask too many question when I should be answering all the question going around in my head.

I shouldn't be answering it myself, I think me and him should discuss this together.

Yeah let's see how that goes.

After rubbing my self for a good five more minuets I give up and I decide to leave the shower. I quickly grab a towel and wrap it around my waist and find a pair of sweats and a Hollister t-shirt.

Once I wear my clothes, I jump on the bed and go threw my phone. I then see Liam's text just saying he's he just ended his run and is coming back.

When I went on Instagram and started scrolling threw the new photos that people posted, I see that Harry posted a picture with Louis.

I was so clueless and lost.

Harry and Louis, Louis and Harry.

I need to hit something now. I don't even know if their together, but a picture with Louis! Just too much.

I get up and put my phone aside as I get my pillow and throw it on the ground hard. I don't care if it's gonna do nothing because that's the point.

When I was younger and used to get mad ill break everything then soon regret it, so I taught my self just to punch pillows and throw them where ever I can.

So as I whack the pillow to the ground multiple of times i drop the pillow on the bed and I shove my face in it and scream as loud as I could.

I then quickly pick up my phone again. I need to see the picture again so see if it was Louis or not.

Once I get on Instagram and on his account, I click on his latest picture with somebody. And yes it was Louis. I just roll my eyes and check when he posted the picture. It says that he posted it 13 min ago.

I then quickly glare at the picture closely to see where he took the picture with Louis. I see a tree behind Louis's hair, I see a bench in between Harry and Louis, theres a garbage can I think that is right next to the bench.

I think were can this be. Oh my god, how dumb can I be, the park!

I quickly get up. Its only been 15 minutes now they still have to be there. As I exit my dorm I text Liam saying ill be at the park. But wait wasn't Harry going in his dorm a few minutes ago?

He cant go to the park that fast and take a selfie with Louis. Maybe he took the photo earlier today and posted it when he came in the dorm.

I then quickly turned around slouching my shoulders, I really wanted to see Harry.

When I enter my dorm I jump on my bed and close my eyes. I needed this, peace and quiet.

"WHAT UP ZAYN!" Just when I thought I had my time alone Liam rushes in all sweaty.

"Hi" I quickly mumble as I turn on my side.

"I thought you'll be at the park, what happen?" Liam ask as he sits on the bed with a water bottle in his hands.

I can't tell Liam I went there because I wanted see what Harry and Louis were up too so I make up a quick lie.

"I-I you know went there just to clear my mind" I quickly say.

"Really? To clear your mind, well now tell me what was on your mind?" I turn around still lying on my bed but facing Liam.

What was on my mind, ohh right. I wanted to break up with Niall because i keep thinking about Harry and I feel like we have a connection.

"I feel like having a haircut. Like shaving my head off. You know how much I love my hair so that's why I went to the park to make sure about this decision" I say as I look up towards the ceiling. After a few seconds I hear Liam laughing.

I turn my head only and give him a look witch makes him laugh even more. Ohh Liam the laughing type I thought, likes laughing at everything I do. Great just great.

When Liam sits up and finally stops laughing he opens his phone and turns the screen towards me. All I see is the picture of Harry and Louis.

"So what about the picture?" I asked trying to act casual like not just ten minutes ago I was screaming because of that photo.

"The picture is taken at the park 23 minutes ago. You were gonna go there just like 5 minutes ago. And please Zayn I know you. You wanted to see what they were up to" Liam turns off his phone as he smirks at me. "And by the way I know you saw the picture because you liked it"

Oh damn I maybe accidentally double clicked on it. "Wow Liam, I always loved how you can read me just like a book" I roll my eyes.

"Hey, hey. You can't keep secrets from me, I'm your best friend. So spill the beans, what's up with you and Harry and you and Niall?"

I froze at the name Niall. I think I should tell Liam about what I was going to do. Liam is good at giving advice.

"I don't know Liam. These days it feels like Niall isn't acting the same, and I know because I am not treating him the same because I could feel that me and Harry have a connection and when I stay with Niall it feels like I'm betraying him, cheating on him. So today I was gonna break up with him but I couldn't. I don't know how not to break his heart. Then later I see Harry, and it took everything not to go back in Niall's dorm and break up with him." I take a deep breath and let it out. It felt nice letting it all off my chest and explaining it to Liam.

Liam then looks at me. "I think you should break up with Niall"

I look at him shocked and surprised.

(Sorry for the long wait hope you enjoyed)

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