Chapter 35

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"Come on, let's go." I mumble quietly to Niall. He nods his head as I walk slowly towards the dorm building. The wind seem to die down. The clouds, oppression giving it the dull look even though it's only just the afternoon.

Once we enter the building, I lead him to his dorm. I already knew Harry was in his class that should be ending a few minutes. I open the door for him seating him on his bed. I sit next to him reassuring his shoulder. "You okay?" I say barely above a whisper. Niall wipes his freshly fallen tear. He doesn't say anything nor shakes, or even nods his head. I move closer to him, rubbing his back.

"Where's Harry?" Niall says under his breath.

"He's in class why?" I keep my voice low. I move his long blond hair that was on his forehead out of his face.

"I don't want him in here." For a second I thought he meant that he didn't want him in here with us. But second later I comprehended, knowing that he didn't want him here overall.

I nod my head, "do you want me to leave?"

Niall looks at me for second before speaking. "I think that will be the best choice." I mumble a sure before leaving the dorm. I didn't felt offended knowing that he just want to be alone. Doesn't everyone want to be alone at a state like that? I walk casually to my dorm, closing the dorm behind me and collapsing on my bed. I sigh out closing my eyes. I tried going threw all the possible thought to as why Niall is the way he is now. Everything seemed to lead back to me.

When I broke up with him.

When I got with Harry a day later.

Me constantly hanging out with Harry.

When Niall admitted that he loved me, and I didn't feel the same way back.

But I still, didn't get it. Yes he loves me. But should he be happy that I'm happy? That I love someone who unconditionally loves me back?

I couldn't seem to get the right answer so I get up from my bed. I slowly stride to the door to go find Harry. As soon as I open the door, I find Harry on the other side, smiling.

"Hey!" Harry says pecking me on the lips walking past me. The big smile on his face made my inside tingle making me smile.

"Hey." I reply back, with not much enthusiasm has his greeting. "I was just gonna go pick you up." I inform Harry, watching him sit on my bed.

"Well you were a little bit late, so I decided to come here my self."

"Oh sorry," I apologetically say sitting next to Harry on the bed.

"Oh it's okay," Harry says. "So what do you wanna do? I got no classes and I don't think you do too." Harry looks at me.

"Yea I got none. And I think I know what I wanna do." I smirk leaning in on Harry slowly kissing him on his neck.

"Zayn," Harry lets out a low chuckle slowly pushing me off.

"Oh c'mon I know you wanna," I grin moving down on his neck.

"Zayn be reasonable. Let's do something together, that doesn't involve us stripping." I remove my lips from Harry's neck and look at him. I rest my chin on my hand taking a moment to think what can we do.

"Fine, lets just make out." I quickly touch my lips with Harry pushing him on the bed. I did take a minute to go threw the possible reasons to what we can do. Everything seemed to lead back to me doing something with Harry.

I strangle Harry, not letting him get a chance to speak as I kiss him passionately. Second later I push my tongue in, messaging his.

This happen for a bit before we let go, catching out breathe. I lie down next to him looking at the celling.

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