Chapter 20

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Zayn's POV

A week had gone by just me studying. I hadn't realize I missed so much by skipping class for him.

I had gone to all my class without skipping. It felt weird because even in high school, skipping class was my daily routine for her.

Now I've been skipping classes for him.

After Tuesday with mine and Harry's 'hang out' we've been closer.

During writing he would always sit with me or I would go to him. It felt like we were just friends, even though I admitted I wanted more.

When I had art, Elena was always sitting next to me talking like we were best friends. I didn't know how to react so I just played along.

I guess we are friends, it's kinda like me and Harry. I have no idea if me and him are friends. I know it might sound crazy that mine and Elena relationship can relate to mine and Harry, but what I can say is that Elena never made me feel the way Harry has.

Elena would have made me cry knowing she never felt the same way, though as for Harry, he makes me insane. Makes me frustrated when I was with Niall so I broke up with him, he makes me happy, then makes me feel bad for me being stupid sometime. And as much as I hate to admit it, the insane Harry brings out in me, makes me crave, makes me desire him more.

So as for right now, it is Saturday morning, early morning. As Liam's soft snores fill the room, I turn to the side to see what time it is.


Great. I pull the blankets off of me as I stretch out my limbs. I slightly pull the curtains open just to see if the sun is up or not.

The sky is mixed with a purple, grey, black colour. As much as I want to sit here and watch the sun rise, i decide to go for a jog.

Once I slip on grey sweats and a black sweat shirt, I as quickly as possible open the door and closing it followed by a moan from Liam.

Once I'm walking out the building I am welcome by cool air blow against me. Thank god I wore my sweatshirt. I decide to warm up and walk to the park. Even though I know how dangerous this is, I couldn't give a damn about it.

By the time I reach the park I see a few drunk people laughing while another person talks, and a few other people by the tree throwing up.

I almost forgot about the fraternity house Louis mention to me last week. It's located just around the park. Louis asked me if I would like to go with him yesterday night for the party that's held ever Friday night threw the weekend. I then start to jog around the park and go threw the forest instantly reminding me of mine and Harry's date, or whatever it was.

I remember how sexy he looked, his hair messy as ever, his skinny, skinny black jeans with a grey t shirt. I have to admit, he dresses really good. I wouldn't be surprise, he is already gorgeous.

As the lake comes to view, I pick up my pace running near the lake. I could hear a few bird chirping as the sun starts to come up.

When I past the lake, I go up a hill and threw the road making sure there are no cars and jogging to a small path way. I never have been here before. But back where I came from, there were many pathways like this so I just kept running.

What made me stop in my tracks was someone screaming.

"I said get off of me!" A girls voice said. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on who is was though.

I start to walk closer just to be herd by someone else yelling.

"Shut the fuck up! I said it'll only take two seconds" A man said. I then quickly go threw the woods that's on either side of the path and ignore the light snow that starts to fall

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