Chapter 15

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( Ok so now I'm gonna start doing Zany's POV for some chapters
Hope you enjoy and please tell me if I should keep doing Zany's POV )

Zayn's POV

A few weeks past and nothing, I got nothing from Harry.

I regret yelling at him, but at the same time I don't. I had to, I didn't want him getting hurt. I felt so bad that he saved Liam from a punch. I yelled because I didn't want him to get hurt anymore.

I don't know why but when ever someone lays a hand on Harry something happens to me, it's like I want Harry to be in one corner, and one corner where only I could see him not anyone else.

We all separated, we separated from each other. At noon on Mondays and Tuesday's when we all have a spear, we didn't sit together, it was me Niall and Liam on one table and Louis, Harry and Jace sitting on another table. I don't know why Harry went with Louis, he punched him in the face but I think Louis apologized. Liam even offered Harry to sit with us one day, Harry looked at me then said no. I don't know does Harry want me?

Do I want him?

Wait, obviously I want him, I want him to be my friend.

Are we even friends?

Heck I don't even know. Its just-

"EARTH TO ZAYN" I quickly jump up from my seat and cover my ears with my hand, and obviously I knew who decided to yell in my ear.


"Niall! You scared the fuck out of me" I spited.

"Sorry it's just me and Liam tried calling you and you wouldn't respond" Niall said as he took a bit out of his Apple.

"Sorry I was just in thoughts" I quickly say then head back to my un-touched food.

"You were in thoughts?" Liam says looking at me. Shit I shouldn't have said that.

"Yeah umm I just have lots of essays to do and you know I'm just" I scratch my head. "Trying to think of my topic?" I said that more of a question didn't I? Shit.

"Umm okay then" Liam mumbles.

As Niall was next to me digging in his food and Liam in front of me finishing up his lunch and going on his new IPhone 6, I on the other hand kept thinking about the one and only green eyes. Yes I can't stop thinking about that curly tall hair lad.

He's obviously constantly in my mind when I'm alone or when I'm taking to him. But this is different. It's different because I haven't spoke to him in a week. He looked me in the eye and said that he isn't gonna sit with us. I yelled at him. It's like all of those things were signs like that I'm never gonna talk to him ever and I should forget about him. But did I?

Did I stop thinking about him?

I shouldn't even be asking that question,

Can I stop thinking about him?

Should I stop thinking about me?

Before even forcing my self to answer those question Niall taps me on the shoulder. "Zayn, the bell just went you might wanna hurry to ur next class"

"Shit I didn't even realize, well thanks and I'll meet you in your dorm room when I'm done with my classes" I quickly pecked Niall's lips and open the exit door to leave the building, but before stepping out I felt eyes on me, so I turn around and see, I see him from all the people looking at me. The person that just can't get out of my head. I give him a weak smile and turn around and run to the 4th building for art. As soon as I sat down the professor started talking, then the green boy pops in my head. I just saw him like less than minuet ago and I just gave him a smile. What else was I suppose to do?

He chose them from me Niall and Liam. I don't know.

During art class as my professor was telling us how much art is important for everything, I don't even know why I chose that class I did it for no reason. Anyway the tall lad wouldn't happen to leave me. Its like I'm going crazy. On either side of me there's no one there, so I imagine the empty space as him, the curly dude.

Exactly I'm gone crazy.

And I don't know what to do about it. So I just get up with my bag and ignore what my professor says and get out of my class.

As I exit the building, I head to my dorm room thinking about, you know who. I decide to go to my dorm because Niall is probably still doing his class.

So when I un-lock my door I see a note on my bed. I sit down on my bed and start reading the note.

Dear Zayn,

I'm gonna be gone on a long jog, but don't worry I'll be back before the sun goes down. Remember to fill me in on anything that's happens.


I put the note on my and Liam's side table as I lie down on my bed looking at the celling. I'm I crazy for still thinking about the curly boy? I just can't help it. Me and him I guess we're at a good stage. But then again that was before, before that day were everything got messed up. I wanna apologize but every time I see him he's always with Louis or Jace and even both at the same time.

I could go to his dorm but Niall is gonna be there and when I apologize I want it to be only me and him. Also if I do it on text, it won't be like more nice you know. I want him to know I mean it when I apologize. So the only time that I could apologize is when we both have a spear at the same time and I have to make sure that no one is around, and make sure that I don't scream or raise my voice. I probably won't obviously I would be smiling because I'm finally standing in front of the boy I was thinking about all along. Anyway I don't want any attention. I want my apology to be nice and sweet. Sweet as in adorable, and adorable as in tantalizing, tantalizing as in mesmeric, and mesmeric as in romantic.


Yes, Of course I want it to be romantic. I'm apologizing to him. It's not some ordinary person, it's him. It has to be perfect. So that means it has to be private. But the only thing I'm worried about is when I tell him I wanna talk in private, what if he says no? It would break my heart. You know what I can't think about that. What's important is that I am gonna apologize to him that's it.

I quickly get up off my bed and check my phone to see what time it is. Its only 2:30 so that means Niall's class should be ending. So I quickly go to the washroom, brush my teeth then leave my dorm room trying as hard to get the green eyes out of my head. I quickly pace down the hall stopping in front of Niall's and the tall lads dorm. Of course I mention him. I quickly shake my head and before I knock on the door I freeze. I just froze, something just hit me so I slowly walk back then run towards my dorm and open the door as I slam it behind me. I paced and sat on my bed as I catch my breathe.

Did I just do that? Why on earth did I do that ? What the hell was I thinking of ?

I guess I got scared.

Scared if he was there instead of the person I was expecting.

For some reason every-time I look at Niall, talk with Niall, think about him, it's not the same anymore. It feels like he's just not the one I was expecting. Maybe it would be best if we're just friends. Of course I like him, but it's not the same anymore. He deserves someone better, better than me. Someone that would treat him the way I don't, treat him better. Niall is a good boy, and him dating me I just don't think that's right. I have to go talk to him tell him that I just can't do this anymore. I am just not treating him right with this other boy constantly in my head.

So I get up and open the door, take a deep breathe then close the door as I leave. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. Five months relationship with him, and now it's just gonna end. I can't keep treating him like this, it's not fair for him, I care about him too much. Now it's time to let go.

As I walk threw the hall it seems like an hour pass when only 15 sec went by. I'm going crazy I told. Should I break up with Niall? It just seems like I haven't went this threw properly, I haven't even confirmed this with Liam. Its because of that curly boy I'm doing this. I know it is. No matter his much I try saying it's not. I know it is.

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