Chapter 28

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I fumble to stand up. Everything these past 24 hours seems chaotic. Jace's smirk hasn't left his face since Harry entered the room a few seconds ago. Harry's bombshell face hasn't changed. His eyes hasn't left Jace's making me curios.

"Perfect timing you made here Harry." Jace slurs from his busted bruise on his lip, that I gave.

"Harry leave." I demand feeling irritated. The sassy tone Jace gave to Harry radiated anger threw me.

"Z-Zayn what happen!" Harry throws his bag to the side strutting towards me. While Harry bends down to help me, out of the corner of my eye, I see Jace getting off the floor. "Zayn-"

"I'm fine, Harry I'm fine." I interrupt Harry as he tries to put his hand on my face.

"Zayn, since he's here, why don't you tell him about the big news." Jace grins harder while turning around looking at us. Harry gets up off the floor turning to see Jace. I quickly get up myself, moving Harry behind me as Jace's laugh fills the room reminding me of the time this happen with Elena and Emmett. "Stop playing non-guilty Zayn." Jace announces. I hear footsteps behind. Turning around I see Harry a few steps away from me.

"Harry you have to listen to me," I start. "Jace he's-"

"What did you do." Harry breasks me off. I stand astonished trying to chose the words in my head. Why did Harry listen to Jace? Jace is the guilty one shoving his ass in my business.

"Harry, Jace he-"

"Tell me what you did Zayn, now." Harry's harsh tone of words threw me off guard. I take a deep breathe throwing my hands up in surrender.

"I can explain. You just need to listen to-"

"I'm listening. Tell me what Jace is talking about." I feel my temper rising as Harry's interruption keeps setting me on the edge.

"N-Niall he told me." I stop and turn around seeing Jace sitting on the bed.

"Go on, I'm just getting comfortable." My lips form a straight line as Jace smirks. I look back at Harry who seems worried.

"He told me that h-he loved me." The words seem weird coming off my tongue. Harry's eyes meet mines for a second before he looks at Jace. Tears start spilling out of his eyes as I walk to him. "Babe I don't love him back or anything. I swear." Harry's head is hung low when I approach him. I rest one of my hand on his shoulder with the other one lifting his head. "Babe speak to me." I encourage Harry. From behind me I hear Jace trying to suppress his laughter. I turn around striding towards him.

"What the fuck is your problem eh? Why don't you tell Harry your true self." I look at Harry who's head is up trying to wipe his tears. "He, Harry he backstabbed us! He's not who you thinks he is." I raise my voice pointing towards Jace. Harry doesn't say anything so I walk to him. "I'm telling you, he's the bad guy here! Babe please listen to me." I try making Harry talk to me. I need to hear his voice. I could tell how sad he is that he isn't talking.

"Yea, speak up you little toy! C'mon use that voice like you always do." I turn around pushing Jace off the bed. Lifting him off the floor by grabbing his shirt, I start throwing punches at him.

"You bitch. Who do you think you are!" I scream feeling my fist in pain but ignoring it. I feel hands on my shoulder try pushing me off. Seeing Jace's eyes barely open, I let go. I re think what I did as I go and pick him up but Harry stops me.

"Zayn please stop!" Harry takes my hand putting it in front of my face. "Look Zayn, look what your doing to yourself? Please stop."

I push Harry's hand off of me. "You don't get it Harry! Jace is a son of a bitch who needs to be taught a lesson!" I pace to Jace only having Harry come in front of me.

"Zayn please stop, you better than this!" Harry puts his hands in my chest but I push that off as well.

"What the hell is wrong with you, who's side are you on?" I lower my voice feeling betrayed by my own boyfriend. And before I knew it, Jace speaks up.

"He's on mine, always has been. Haven't you?" Jace seemed to have recovered fast as I move back from Harry. Repeating Harry's move from earlier.

"What the fuck is happening here." I look at Harry who's looking at me in the eye. His eyes still red from crying only minutes ago.

"Okay, since I know Harry is the good one, let me just explain." Jace smirks as one of his eyes don't open being bruised up. Jace moved towards Harry. I don't stop him. Harry mouths the word sorry but I ignore that having all my attention to Jace.

"So basically me and Haz over here go way back." As I was about to take a step forward I stop. I stop myself from throwing a punch at Jace. I don't feel anger. Not at all. Just betrayed. Again.

"Ohh that's not all!" Jace's loud voice fills the room. Harry tries moving away from Jace but it only makes Jace move closer.

"Jace please stop." Harry's voice cracks at the end as he looks at Jace. Keeping his gaze away from me.

"Harry, I think it's time for Zayn to know." Jace says. "So anyway where was I," he looks at me. "Oh yes! So we didn't date anything if your thinking about that." When Jace goes on about how they met in high school. My trust goes away for Harry. Everything that happened between Harry and I seems fake the more Jace talks. But I don't stop him.

"So like you know what those eager couples do who only need sex." Everything slowly slows down except for the sound of Jace's voice. I still don't stop him. "So that was like me and little Hazza bear right here." When everything comes to a stop I try to ignore what he said but I couldn't. Because it hurt likes a bitch. I don't want the pain to hurt me more, but I need Jace to tell me.  Harry's head is down as tears escape his eyes. Everything seems fake.

"Well we didn't have a contract or anything because I guess we were underage and all the Jazz. But! Luckily Harry didn't mind at all! In fact, Harry do you want to tell Zayn over here what you used to say to me. All the time."
I couldn't take it anymore. As I sniff a few times letting the tears my self, fall uncontrollably down my cheeks. "I love you." Jace whispers.

All of mine and Harry's moments come flooding back like its a curse. Reminding me off all our good times that was just fake. All thrown away.

I shake my head. It couldn't be real? It can't be. How can Harry let Jace do that? Looking at Harry with his head still down, and Jace's smirk still plastered on his face, it seems all real.

"It can't be. No!" I walk back slowly stopping when Jace speaks again.

"And wait. Before anything else happens, my name is Jacob. Yea... Jace was the nickname Harry gave! And, don't get too excited because I was the one to give Harry his nickname, Haz!"

I pace to the door ignoring the yell of Harry calling me. I wipe away the tears frantically while running out side. The cold doesn't make an effect to me as I run out of the building. It feels like I'm the crazy the one, that I'm the guilty one to not see it. Harry said that he never met Jace. Lie. Jace said he was our friend. Lie. He said that his name was Jace. Lie. Harry said he liked it when I called him Haz. Lie. And most of all, Harry said he actually liked me. And that was all just a lie.

I pace to my car. I start the engine leaving this parking lot. I don't even know where I'm going. I just needed to get out of that place. Because just leaving that room settled everything. Me and Harry. We're done.

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